Lenore Lucille Moreno

Lenore  Moreno

General Stats

Name: Lenore Lucille Moreno
Birthdate: March 23, 1990 A.D.
Age: 34
Gender: Female
Ethnicity: Spanish/french
Hair Color: Dark Brunette
Eye Color: Brown
Height: 5'4
Residence: Hawethorn Villiage


Species: Human

Relationship Status

Sexuality: Heterosexual
Status: Single


Lenore is... well, some say outgoing and spontaneous, others might decide to use words like "abraisve" and "defiant". Truthfully, all of this would be pretty spot on when speaking about the fiery spirit the woman has. While she never intends to come off as abrasive - most times - or rude, she also doesn't beat around the bush on how she feels about her current situation or the company she's in. Fierce and independent, she never really cared much for being confined or constricted, and this could very well bring out a very stubborn, very defiant flare. Though she usually puts up a front out of being a bit guarded in some circumstances, she doesn't exactly have any qualms about socializing, but her desire to do so tends to be rather dependent on her mood, which is about as unpredictable as her. She can be sweet one second, flirtatious the next, and devilish moments after. Despite her wild and feisty disposition, she can be warm and open, capable of trusting those who are able to befriend her for all the fire she hardly tries to contain. She wont hesitate to stand up for her friends, verbally or physically, and she does put forth effort to be supportive and compassionate. It's just getting past her fiery outer layers that is really half the challenge. However, when hurt, expect her to become cold and guarded. Be prepared to work ten times harder to repair the bridge that was burned or else, as Lenore will openly say, "don't even bother".


12 Total Points


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