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Posted on October 23, 2017 by JailHeart
Hiya and welcome to Sacro!

I got myself a system last year for Christmas, because I was told I should get into playing games, after being told a few years I should get into it. Currently going through the Assassin Creed series thanks to Bubbles and Kite. Then I shall be moving on to well, I don't really know yet, but I've been keeping a list.

I play just two girls and both of them happen to be Weres.

Raven, a werewolf with the Nightshade Pack. She's a very kind person but a bit wary when it comes to strangers. Also she has a tendency going feral in her wolf form sometimes.

Calliel - a werehorse for a about a year and a few months now. She works over at the Inner Sanctum as a barista. She hangs out in the stables in the South. She is friendly, but quite the little spitfire.

Let me know if you'd like to thread one day, and again, welcome to Sacro! :)


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  • hello <3 - By Mia on October 26, 2017 at 12:37 PM
  • zoooom - By Kite on October 26, 2017 at 2:15 PM

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