
Within the Northern vicinity of the city, the wealthy gather behind meticulously trimmed hedges and high-class architecture. The pristine streets are paved with stone and the storefronts are brightly lit and inviting - for the right clientele. In the North, every establishment is eager to cater to the rich and the wealthy. Many such places are used to the sometimes peculiar requests of the otherworldly but here there is little that money cannot buy - whether it happens to be illegal or merely involves looking the other way. Vampires and Dark Hunters are often found upon these Northern streets, their long lives often contributing to their sizable wealth which allows them the luxuries that the North provides.

What You'll Find Here

The VooDoo Room
The Witchery


The newly opened Eternity is an expensive fine dining restaurant nestled high upon the hills of the North - providing it a breathtaking view of the city below. The award-winning chefs at Eternity collaborate directly with local farmers and producers to source the freshest ingredients for its ever-changing menu. The staff at Eternity pride themselves on serving each customer's unique dietary needs - from the vampiric to the mortal races. Reservations are strongly encouraged as Eternity is frequently booked to capacity.

The VooDoo Room

Located in the heart of the North, the Voodoo Room is the spirits lover's destination of choice in Sacrosanct. The Voodoo room is a craft cocktail bar that aims to provide an eclectic and exotic atmosphere. Nestled among the William Morris wallpaper, gold, and wood, you will find a new kind of neighborhood cocktail bar. One where hospitality and skill work in concert. With intoxicating liquors and a voodoo vibe, the Voodoo room will keep you coming back for more. Guided by the mantra of providing a one of a kind, high-end experience, the Voodoo Room's mixologists meet the highest standards with a fantastically themed selection of cocktails and specials.

The Witchery

Dark, Gothic, and thoroughly theatrical, the Witchery is a place to indulge yourself with it's lavish, theatrical suites. Whatever room you choose, you'll find glamor, indulgence, and luxury. From the Vestry to the Library and the Armory, the suites of the Witchery are nothing short of sensually romantic. A stay at the Witchery is not complete without dining in the rich baroque surroundings of the original oak-paneled hotel or among the elegant candle-lit charms of the Secret Garden. Whether you stay or dine, The Witchery is an unforgettably magical experience.

sharp objects make me giddy

Posted on December 09, 2014 by Katarina Foster

Maybe it was too good to be true that I would just end up going to Kohl's apartment with him and trying to find something fun to occupy our time so he doesn't think I was just teasing him on the dance floor. He should know by now, right? I tease all the time, just like he does, though I know perfectly well he would love more than anything to do more than just tease. Just the thought makes my skin tingle but my mind tends to wander when I let my body go idle. Kohl managed to get me out before the shit hit the fan inside the ball room but it tends to be more dangerous outside anyway. That's why it was easy enough to pick up on what was going on down that alley and while I knew he wouldn't be gung ho about going with me, something told me he would come anyway and a part of me can always trust that he will. Once I see waht's going on though, my blood pressure sky rockets and my eyes see red. Killers I can take with a cold gaze and an even colder heart on display but to see someone being treated like just takes a whole new kind of animal and makes me have thoughts of torture. I know Kohl can see it too and I wait for his reaction, a little more hopeful when I see that he's just as resigned to help her as I am now.

At his answer, I nod in reply, though my brow lifts up in a silent question of just what he intends to do. Not like I expect an answer or anything though. He turns and disappears back around the front of the building and I blow out a resigned breath to sit here and wait though every second that goes by is agonizing cause I know I could be out there distracting the vampires by now, giving the girl a chance to escape. Kohl approaches again though within a minute or so and I look up in surprise to see the fire extenguisher in his hands. The corner of my lips lift in amusement as he moves past me, brushing my hair behind my ears as I wait to see the show. His comment has me tilting my head in curiosity. Why in the world is he talking about bras? The thought makes me uncomfortable, my weight shifting on my heels since I know action's about to go down. The vampires move toward him just as I thought they might and he brings up the extenguisher, successfully blasting them in the face.

I don't hesitate to jump up and move in, lunging past Kohl to stick the silver knife right in the vampire's throat. He stumbles back gurgling and I pull a stake out of the back of my dress, shoving it into his chest before he can do anything else. The second vampire has had a chance to recover and he brings his arm back, swining the back of his hand across the back of my head. I stumble forward, my head suddenly throbbing like hell as I shake my head and turn back to face him. He grins and brings his foot up, slamming it into my stomach and I let out an "oof" as the air is forced from my lungs. My back slams into the wall behind me, my teeth clenching as the vampire moves forward, bringing his arm back for a punch now. My eyes narrow as I try to ignore the pounding in my head and the aching in my back, dodging down as his fist slams into the brick wall, crumbling the brick where my head used to be. As he turns, I swing my leg up, my knee lunging into his side as my calf slams into his back, sending him stumbling into the wall face first. I smirk now, getting into things and now I'm able to focus more and use my power as he pushes off the wall and swings around.

I know he's going to push me so I jerk back at the last minute and then bring my knee up into his gut, sending him reeling. As I'm bringing my elbow up though, I glance over at Kohl and see the girl we're saving launching for his hand like air to breathe. My eyes narrow for a new reason now as I see her clinging to him, her hands clinging to his shirt and running down his chest like there's nowhere else they should be. Her eyes gleam with the look of someone who would gladly go to his apartment with him and do the things I deny him and a new fire bursts to life within me. Who the FUCK does she think she is?! Of course my distraction earns me a mean punch to the jaw and I see stars as I stumble back and trip, falling on my back on the ground now as the vampire towers over me, bringing his leg up. I groan as I hit the cement, my back screaming at me as he starts to bring his foot down. I roll at the last minute, his foot slamming into the cement next to me as I lean over and grab his ankle, twisting it till he falls to the other side. He yells in pain as he hits the ground and I turn on my back, bringing my foot up and slamming it down between his thighs. I bet he's seeing stars now.

Reaching my hands behind my head, I coil and launch forward, flipping myself back up to my feet as I lunge down on top of him with a stake in my hand. He's still holding what's left of his manhood as the wood meets his heart and I stay crouched over him, looking into the eyes of a heartless monster as he turns to ash. Once he's dust, I sigh and straighten up slowly, dusting off my clothes and trying to ignore my still pounding head and aching back as I turn to Kohl and the girl. I grimace at them now, putting the stake away. I lean down to dip the blood stained blade of my knife in the ash before wiping it off on my dress before I resheathe it on my thigh. Only then do I give Kohl and the girl my full attention, crossing my arms as I tilt my head and raise a brow.

"Shall I give you two some privacy?"
