
Within the Northern vicinity of the city, the wealthy gather behind meticulously trimmed hedges and high-class architecture. The pristine streets are paved with stone and the storefronts are brightly lit and inviting - for the right clientele. In the North, every establishment is eager to cater to the rich and the wealthy. Many such places are used to the sometimes peculiar requests of the otherworldly but here there is little that money cannot buy - whether it happens to be illegal or merely involves looking the other way. Vampires and Dark Hunters are often found upon these Northern streets, their long lives often contributing to their sizable wealth which allows them the luxuries that the North provides.

What You'll Find Here

The VooDoo Room
The Witchery


The newly opened Eternity is an expensive fine dining restaurant nestled high upon the hills of the North - providing it a breathtaking view of the city below. The award-winning chefs at Eternity collaborate directly with local farmers and producers to source the freshest ingredients for its ever-changing menu. The staff at Eternity pride themselves on serving each customer's unique dietary needs - from the vampiric to the mortal races. Reservations are strongly encouraged as Eternity is frequently booked to capacity.

The VooDoo Room

Located in the heart of the North, the Voodoo Room is the spirits lover's destination of choice in Sacrosanct. The Voodoo room is a craft cocktail bar that aims to provide an eclectic and exotic atmosphere. Nestled among the William Morris wallpaper, gold, and wood, you will find a new kind of neighborhood cocktail bar. One where hospitality and skill work in concert. With intoxicating liquors and a voodoo vibe, the Voodoo room will keep you coming back for more. Guided by the mantra of providing a one of a kind, high-end experience, the Voodoo Room's mixologists meet the highest standards with a fantastically themed selection of cocktails and specials.

The Witchery

Dark, Gothic, and thoroughly theatrical, the Witchery is a place to indulge yourself with it's lavish, theatrical suites. Whatever room you choose, you'll find glamor, indulgence, and luxury. From the Vestry to the Library and the Armory, the suites of the Witchery are nothing short of sensually romantic. A stay at the Witchery is not complete without dining in the rich baroque surroundings of the original oak-paneled hotel or among the elegant candle-lit charms of the Secret Garden. Whether you stay or dine, The Witchery is an unforgettably magical experience.

Maybe I'm a Different Breed

Posted on June 05, 2014 by L U C I A N


The scent hit me like a freight train before the dark temptress ever stepped one stiletto-clad foot in the bar. She smelled of sex and leather, of blood and decaying corpses and....Cat. And not just any cat... But Tobias. And that panther Tetradore, whom he'd introduced me to during the full moon gathering.

I sipped from the tumbler which held my brew, giving no evidence to suggest I was aware of her presence as she sauntered into the room. the wall-sized mirror behind the bar offers no view of the succubus, for the Undead have no reflections, just as they have no Souls.

The bar was loud and boisterous with the sounds of humans and beasts alike cavorting jovially over drinks or playing pool or dancing on the floor. But I heard none of it. Every sense, every molecule in my Being was entirely focused on the demoness that had entered the room. Nevermind that I had not made any move to crane my neck to see her. Certainly, she has sensed my presence just as acutely as I have been made aware of hers.

And sure enough, my logic proves correct. She sidles with the deadly elegance of a serpent up to the bar next to me and proceeds to slink against the bar with her own flare of decidedly feline-like grace. Her words are a drawled purr, and I arc a brow casually as I turn my dark pupiless eyes upon her.

I grin, a rapacious thing that allow a flash of serrated, double-canines for her viewing pleasure. She wasn't the only thing that bites in the night. I offer no other acknowledgement to her comment, leaning in close to the hollow of her slender milky throat, inhaling deeply of the fragrance that is so intriguing as it clings to her flesh and hair.

"It's been a long time since I smelled Beautiful." A deep predatory note resonates.

Austere gaze gives her a hungry once-over, crooked grin slithering callously upon lips before brooding eyes return to the tumbler in my grip. I pull the glass to my lips and take another schwill of the concoction.

"So you must be the crazy old cat lady that lives down the street..." It's more a statement then a question, teasing lashes of black lightning flashing in the recesses of my eyes. I glance at her from my peripheries. "Granted, you're quite exquisite for an old gal," ...but Scream Crazy Cat-Lady. The comment is offered with a measure of masculine arrogance, and laced intrinsically with my crude humor.

But the truth was as blatant to me as if it had been written in hooker-red lipstick across her brow. It had definitely been Tobias' and Tetra's scent which lingered upon the sexy black trappings that adorned her figure. I knew I had detected the aroma of Vampire upon the panther that night. I was beginning to piece together the puzzle of why Tetradore left his Pride for such lengthy periods of time.

But to what end did he fraternize with a vampire, even if she was a delectably luscious little morsel.

"So, what's your name cat-woman?"



Maybe You're Better Of This Way...