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Posted on March 20, 2017 by Vinyl
omg you guys I'm so excited about all of these ideas!

Sharpie: I think Blaise and Gia might get along! She's not normally into hanging out with other supernaturals, but she's pretty lonely right now. Her mom recently died of cancer and her sister moved away from college, so I think she would want to help Blaise, if she could. Let me know what you think!

Griffin: hmmmm... If you need a dark hunter to turn you guy, Gia could possibly be the one. Dareios is a fairly good natured vampire. He's openly "vamp" as mayor and is trying to change the overall perception of supernaturals and foster a community in the city that is safe and equal for everyone. But obvi not everyone agrees with him. He's never run into someone who openly hates or is skeptical of supernaturals so that could be an interesting 'battle of the minds' kind of thread. Or it could be the other way around. Dareios is all about trying to make people see that supernaturals aren't necessarily always the bad guys. Let me know what you think.

Raelah: I'm super excited about our current thread and am interested in seeing where it can go. I do have aim and will try to keep it open so we can chat: @hollywoodnvine88. Or if it's easier to email you can reach me at hollywoodnvine88@aim.com

CB: Yes! I want to finally get Seb and Gia to a point where they are friends. I'm just not sure how that could happen. Maybe Seb stumbles upon Gia when she's drunk or in danger and he helps her? Something that will help turn the tides and for her to trust him a little more and for them to actually be friendly?

Obsi: Yes! I'm game! Just let me know which one you think would work best. Gia is a dark hunter too, tends to be a loner when she's working but maybe they end up hunting the same supernatural and that's how they meet? They can be friendly, catty, competitive, whatever you want! Or if she wants to meet Dareios, that could work too. Though he doesn't keep the company of many dark hunters these days. :)


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