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Apparently, 'El Dorado' is native for... GREAT... BIG... ROCK!

Posted on May 30, 2017 by CelticBubbles & Tetradore

On this very day FOUR REAL LIFE YEARS AGO. Tetty's cookie was stolen. It was the start of something new. Cooking theivery. And screaming. A lot. Because of...stolen cookies? And um....awful...things happening to their cars. That would definitely make them make that face. Still - Tetty probably wouldn't have changed it for the world. After all, Tobi is his best friend <3

"Say hi nicely this time. And don't forget to compliment her."

"I like your.....ears."

Mail- it would seem, is not a service he appreciates.

"Hate to break it to you Tobias, but we're already all grown up."

"It's just the crab spiders, go to back to bed"

"Will....she...explode? Are we.....going to.....eat it?"

tetradore & tobias


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