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Posted on May 06, 2014 by Ezzy

I love you for everything you ever took from me

I love the way you dominate when you violate me

I love you for every time you gave up on me

I love you for the way you look when you lie to me

Ezra Selene Tempest
February 29th, 1985 (yes, that day on a leap year)
Gender: Female
Sexual Orientation: Bicurious
Ethnicity: Serbian/Russian
Appearance: Dark brown/black hair though she colors it often. Her eyes are an amazingly stunning silver gray color, and depending on what colors she's wearing or in just the right lighting, can sometimes look blueish, greenish, or even violet. smooth creamy skin.
Body shape: Sleek Hourglass.

Character History: Ezra is a little runaway. Her mother was a kind enough woman but she has a weak spirit, and could never stand up for Ezra when she was too young to stand up for herself. Her father died in a car crash when she was 4, and her mother went through a slough of dead-beat boyfriends before shacking up with the worst of them all. As a violent alcoholic, her step father was a tyrant that ran the household like a prison camp and as Ezra began entering puberty he started getting too handsy. She became reclusive, staying away from home as much as possible and acting out in a series of anarchy and rebellion. Her attitude only drove a further rift into her relationship with her mom, who refused to believe her when she told her about what her stepfather was doing. At 16, she finally had enough and made a run for it after he came home one night particularly boozed up and snuck into her room. She managed to bash him over the head with a lamp and knock him out... but the damage had already been done. She never looked back and never regretted her decision.

Afterwards, she got into the habit of shoplifting, getting tats and running with people far too old for her own good. She snagged a fake ID that allowed her to get into Bars and Concerts, and instantly took a liking to metal, punk and grunge musics. Being a fantastic Artist, she also moonlights as a mystery muralist, using grafitti art and twisting it into true art on buildings (often covering up gang tags)

Now at 25, Ezra is extremely street savvy. When she wants something she knows how to get it. She has several tattoos including some tribal on her head, though it isnt visible when she grows out her hair. She has a septum piercing and several ear piercings, one brow, and snake bits just below each side of her collar bone.

Personality: Ezra is highly spontaneous. She has a good heart, but her perception of Life has been skewed. She has no problem with stealing so long as it is only for things she really needs. She is a wild card, being very friendly and seemingly relaxed on the outside. But anyone that sees her can tell there is more lying just beneath the heavily guarded surface. She has no problem telling someone to fuck off, as if talking about the weather, and is highly intense in just about everything she does. If she's gonna do it, she's gonna do it right.

She can out drink a man 3 times her size and still keep her cool, but lay one damned hand on her in the wrong fashion and you are in for one Hell of a battle Royale. Sick and twisted as it is though, she's become a bit of a masochist. She likes it rough, probably due to some of her previous experience.

She is an artistic and instrumental Jack of All Trades... seemingly capable of picking up any tool or instrument and instantly taking to it. She can paint, tattoo, Airbrush, and she plays Bass Guitar, Lead Guitar and Drums proficiently.

Elemental: Yes

Living Location: West

OOC: Ezzy
You got my contacts. ^^

Blood Blood Blood

Pump Mud Through My Veins

I'm A Dirty Dirty Girl

I Want To Feel Sane


  • .::Not All Who Wander Are Lost::. - By Ezra 3 on May 06, 2014 at 8:16 PM
  • ezra4 - By ezra on May 07, 2014 at 9:34 AM
  • Luc1 - By Lucian on May 07, 2014 at 10:56 AM
  • XD - By Ezzy on May 09, 2014 at 7:47 AM
  • ezzy - By Luc on May 09, 2014 at 8:50 AM

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