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for bubbles 2 <3

Posted on November 12, 2014 by megs
The sharpest lives are the deadliest to lead;
It was truly a rarity in which Tetradore engaged in some sort of dance of his own accord. Risque had surely tried before, in her blood drunken moods when she'd feasted upon the slaughter wrought by her own hands. It had mostly ended with Tetradore merely standing in blatant disinterest whilst she grinded her feminine figure against him, trying to coax a reaction she found favorable from his body alone. He stood there silently, his emerald eyes observing the uncertainty as her gaze flickered around them. He kept his hand outstretched whilst she decided, waiting with all the patience he usually awarded Tobias childish antics. The were panther met her amethyst eyes, the barest glimpse of a simper crossing his masculine features as she placed her hand within his. Tetradore was entirely unconcerned by the callouses that marred her palms, instead letting his fingers embrace her hand as he guided her hand upwards and around his neck. His own fingertips settling on her waist as he stepped closer towards the young woman, moving her across the floor in small steps with the soft melody that played in the speakers overhead.

For a moment he was content to let the girl stay within his arms, that is, until he noted the movement of familiar figure's out of his periphery. His eyebrow's furrowed, his attention straying from the girl and quite purposefully he spun her enough that he could see just what Raven and Tobias were up to. A soft sigh left his lips, a frown crossing his masculine features, "Why can't those two ever stay out of trouble?" He inquired, more to himself then the girl in front of him. Raven continued to put him in a precarious position with a lack of answer to her offer. He was required to protect his pack and as of such it meant looking out for Tobias' welfare even if he refused to have little to do with the boy as of late. Raven as a potential applicant often was rewarded the same measure of protection but when she started creating fights with a dark hunter no less - things got particularly tricky. His emerald gaze flickered down to the woman in front of him, gesturing slightly towards the group as he spun her enough that she might see what had captured her attention, "I don't suppose you're ready for a fight?" He inquired with a rare glimpse of mischievousness. She'd continually shown him that battles were not something that she would run from, it was a attribute he understood well if only because he mirrored the same trait.

However, at the end of the day Tetradore was fully willing to leave it up to her. If pack affairs were ones she wanted to get into, he was hardly one to say no to her nor was he the type to corral her into something she hardly wanted to be involved in. Though it seemed Tobias had already easily noticed and declared Tetradore's want to add the girl amongst his ranks, a comment he'd never voiced aloud himself as of yet. "I'm afraid I can't ignore them either way but, if you prefer, we can always pick this up another time." He added softly, his striking gaze shifting to stare at her mystifying amaranthine eyes.

"Talks like this."

Aiden Tetradore


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