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v1 (password is kels)

Posted on January 27, 2015 by Kels

we are the ones you should be fearing, come in the night and take your teeth away,
now sew up your mouth and go to sleep

PERSONALITY: Emeriss is a force to be reckoned with. She knows no shame and is extremely blunt. She will speak her mind because she doesn't have to see your face when she does. She is a complex person. She has learned to use her Telepathy in a different way. She uses it to see what others are processing that happen to be nearby so she can "see" without having the use of her own eyes. She had an accident when she was fourteen that she refuses to speak of and is still haunted by. She does not like to be pitied for being blind. She is generally a sarcastic, good natured person with a bitter side on her bad days.

HISTORY: Emeriss' history is shrouded in mystery. She refuses to talk about anything in her past and will not speak of how or when she lost her sight. Those that knew her believe it was at that time to which she was changed into a fairy. What is known is that she witnessed the death of both of her parents and was blinded during the events. Though how is another mystery. She was found as a fourteen year old, screaming in pain; blinded. The flecks of pink in her eyes and the minimal scars around her eyes suggest it was done by magic, that of a fairy or witch. But no one could say for certain and Emeriss would not speak of it. She was raised by the clan that found her. It was a year later that she began developing telepathy to which she kept hidden from them except for one elder woman who taught her how to use it to see. After Emeriss' eighteenth birthday, she disappeared from the clan and was never seen again.
ABILITIES: Telepathy - Emeriss' telepathy works differently. Her telepathy is finely honed to read the minutia of the brain's subconscious processes in order to see. In essence, she sees what other's see by reading seeing what their brain sees in pictures. While she can read the thoughts of those around her and can communicate with her mind, doing so leaves her completely blind and she is less adept at doing so. Since the brain isn't a "filing cabinet", she can only read what someone is thinking at the moment but can't delve in and get other information from them unless that thought comes to mind.

WEAKNESS: Phonophobia - Due to Emeriss being blind and the way her telepathy works, loud sounds can hinder her abilities. Too many people can cause her to be overloaded with images she can't process which can cause her to faint. Generally, she stays away from crowds if she is alone and has no one to focus on to orient herself with.

'cause we'll be there soon to break your heart and spite your face

Emeriss Wick


  • v2 - By Kels on January 27, 2015 at 11:25 PM
  • v3 - By Kels on January 27, 2015 at 11:30 PM
  • v4 - By Kels on January 27, 2015 at 11:38 PM
  • v5 - By Kels on January 27, 2015 at 11:40 PM
  • Yay! - By Machina on January 28, 2015 at 2:20 PM

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