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I'm searching for something that I can't reach

Posted on July 23, 2015 by Chesire

Sad eyes, mouth full of white lies

"So you're a lifer? Plan on sticking around until you find a reason to leave?" Blake didn't anticipate a serious answer, his question meant more in play than anything else. If she was intending on sticking around, that was fine for him since he would be the first to admit, he was enjoying her company. She was friendly and spontaneous, a spurt of fun injected in an otherwise dull evening. Serafina had definitely won a gold sticker for the night, even as early as it was. Besides, girl had great aim. "You own your own place? That's got to be a pretty sweet gig. Get to make your own hours, sleep late and leave early?" Man, she had to be around his age, maybe give or take. That was really impressive to have her own place, especially if it was any sort of success that allowed her to make a living. Sure, he once gave a thought toward maybe starting something of his own but what would he do? He didn't have many marketable skills since he seemed to be the guy that was perpetually starting something but never finishing. At least not without a lot of prodding.

"Hey, look at us- two of a kind." Blake grinned, believing they were in a similar boat in that sea of experience. If she had any other reasons for it, he didn't know them and didn't really care. It wasn't something that demanded further inquiry, it was a simple moment of shared experience and bonding toward a stranger. If there was a problem in that, it was something he couldn't see. "If you want to be nitpicky, it's the first festival I've been to in... a couple of years?" It was a guess, he couldn't think of an exact date. Still, that in itself said volumes. He returned her wink with a lopsided grin, giving her hand a small squeeze instead of announcing a firm grip.

What could Blake say, he liked a challenge now and again. Hell, the kid grew up the youngest in a family of all boys, everything had been a competition growing up. His grin grew broader when she agreed to his challenge, his childish delight gleaming ever brighter in his eyes. Yes, this plan of hers, to escape the bar and hit the carnival, it was absolutely genius. "Me? Pfft. You're totally getting me a bear, maybe even two." He retorted as he settled in front of his own water gun, ready to go to work. The bell dinged to announce the start of the water gun game, the boy setting off to quickly pull the triggers on his water gun â€" after he gave a quick push on Sera's shoulder to screw with her start with a mischievous smirk.

You know, for all his initial competitiveness, Blake's competition rapidly depleted when he pulled the triggers on his water gun to see a sad stream of "pleeeeh" fall from the spout. Well, shit. Now it was clear that the only way he was going to win was by physically restraining her, he simply resorted to nudging or tugging on her water gun just to mess with her. He had already resigned himself to attempting to win this giant stuffed animal. Or two. Was it just one or had he actually agreed to two? God, they just made the bet and he already forgot. Boy should learn to pay attention.

"For the record, I totally believe you set that up. Cheater, giving me the broken one."

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