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Posted on August 16, 2015 by Scarlett

She could feel it, deep within her bones; it was calling out to her. The full moon was upon them and, like a catalyst, was causing a reaction from the magic within her body. The wolf within grew more and more restless as the minutes turned into hours. The closer and closer night came, the more the wolf pushed for control of Scarlett's body. Her need to run was such a primal instinct that there was no way the young girl could ever contain it. Her wolf yipped and protested being indoors, when they could be outside waiting for the pack hunt. Scarlett wanted to wait for all the pack members to get there before she shifted, but not even she could deny the strong urge she had to go run out into the snow.

And so she sat quietly at the edge of her bed, contemplating making the shift. Her wolf was pacing back and forth restlessly. The magic inside her turned, pushing her to the brink of her control. There was always the chance that her wolf could seize full control, she took that risk every full moon when her wolf was at its peak. She relied on the thin veil of trust and respect her and her wolf shared. But what if it just broke and she lost control? Many wolves had lost control and turned into nothing more than a feral dog. She sighed, knowing she was probably paranoid and letting herself get worried over nothing. It had never happened before and probably would never happen. And in the end if worst came to worse, Scarlett knew the pack would be there to pull her out if she fell into the darkness.

She shook her head, pushing her worries down into the depths of her mind. No longer could she withstand her wolf's constant urging. She threw her clothes off, her body falling to the ground as the shift over took her. Her skin crawled and her bones broke as they began to change from human to lupine. Hazel eyes stayed tightly shut, enduring the pain of her body being taken apart and put back together again. It was about 15 minutes before, instead of a young girl laying on the floor, panted a small wolf. It quietly calmed itself, feeling the magic fall back to a more dormant state. Long, lanky limps heaved the smaller frame up onto its paws. As she went to stride out of the room, the reflection in the mirror stopped her. It had been a long time since she'd seen herself as a wolf and Scarlett couldn't resist the curiosity eating away in the pit of her stomach.

She stared at each different aspect of the form, slowly piecing it together until the whole picture was there. She had the looks of a adolescent wolf, nothing more than a pup in werewolf standards. If it wasn't for the tawny hue that highlighted her features, she would have looked like a simple grey wolf. Like emeralds, her eyes were the only visible key to humanity she had in this form; That and her mind. Blinking, she cut her perceptive gaze off before tearing it away completely. You could faintly hear the sound of a huff of unknown emotion as she strode out of her room.

Upon entering the main stretch of rooms, the scent of winter's fresh air stole its way into her nose. She stopped, knowing it had to have found entrance somewhere. Cool green eyes scanned around the room with an almost predatory gaze. There, leading out the back of the house, were the sliding glass doors, conveniently left open by someone before her. If wolves could smile, she'd have a grin spread from ear to ear. Scarlett hummed with delight as she changed her gait to a trot and headed out the door. Unfortunately, her paws found no traction on the ice covered wood of the deck. Her legs slipped out from beneath her and she fell head first down the small amount of stairs till her head and upper torso plummeted into the snow.

At first Scarlett was left stunned, the cold powder greeting her like a slap in the face. Only her hind legs and rear end stayed above the white substance, making her look like an ostrich who fearfully stuck its head in the ground. A scruffy tail instantly wagged with happiness as she pulled her head from the snow. Her face, now covered in white, scanned the area having smelled a familiar wolf about. For a second she thought she spotted movement under the blanket of white but didn't think to much of it as her nose pinpointed another wolf. She spotted Kaemon, leaned up against his Raptor staring at the place she had just been looking. With curiosity she followed his eyes until they landed on the spot where a head would pop up from the snow. A yip of surprise and amusement left her ivory lined maw as she recognized the head belonging to Dom.

The constant wag of her tail immediately sped up as she shook off the remaining extra coat of white from her body. Prancing over like a white tailed dear, she only got about half way to the pair before her gait turned to fox like hops as she continually sunk into the snow. Hopping over to Kae, she stopped just in front of him, her tail wagging both happily and playfully. There was suddenly a mischievous glint in her eyes as she lowered her self down into a play bow. Her nose quickly scooped down into the snow, and flung a small mound up in a make shift wolf snowball. She hopped back and forth, doing this once or twice more before dashing out of his reach. When she thought Dom wasn't looking she spun and again used her nose to send mounds of snow at him this time. Scarlett quickly dashed away from both them before turning and falling into a play bow. Her tail wagged happily, so much so that even her butt wiggled. 'Neither of you know the right way to enjoy snow,' she teased.


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