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Lenore HTML test

Posted on September 29, 2015 by Grand
i've been chasing angels all my life
now heaven is on fire and the lions at my door

She was so... hunnnnnnnnngry.

When Minn made her way into the café she nearly drooled at the front doorstep when the aroma of everything good in the world came to her nose in the smell of breakfast. Eggs, bacon, pancakes, biscuits, ham, hasbrowns, sausage... Mmmmm.

She shuffled inside, leering at the nearest table and eyeing their plates with a lust in her eyes that could have put any lover to shame. The little café seemed busy enough, bustling with the hum of individuals and families up early enough to enjoy a meal outing together. Minn was rarely up this early, but Davante's "shop" was nearby and well... the bear just couldn't work on an empty stomach. She'd been there all night doing nothing even remotely productive, but since she was already up a fancy-smancy breakfast couldn't hurt! The smell had drawn her from blocks away and everyone who knew Minn knew the girl turned into a bloodhound when it came to food. She had to be â€" how else would she have ever grown up being able to tell the good stuff in the trash cans from the bad? She'd come a long way from that, though. Along with foraging Minn had learned the delicate art of mooching, as well begging and smooth-talking. Meals came a lot easier these days. The Ark was always stocked â€" sort of. And Davante was usually keen to bribing the shifter with food or shiny things. Food usually worked better. It was a win-win, really. Minn couldn't complain.

She didn't linger in the entrance long and shuffled further inside, quickly scanning the tables for a place to sit while avoiding the hostesses entirely. A lot of the tables were full or had all the seats taken. There were a few singles scattered about, though. That could work. When her eyes landed on Cormac and his unaccompanied seat Minn made a beeline straight for the chair on the other side and plopped down with a large, friendly smile "Hi!" She chirped, shifting around in the seat uncomfortably before she finally pulled her legs up and crossed them underneath her. The way she greeted him was so casual that it might have seemed as if they were friends meeting up for breakfast, or perhaps that she'd mistaken him for someone else entirely.

"Oh oh oh â€" wait, Miss!" She blinked, quickly reaching out to grab the nearest passing waitress's attention. "Yeah, hi there, um, could you please bring me the biggest breakfast platter you have? Yeh, like, the whole eggs and bacon and pancakes and lots and lots of syrup. You know what I mean? Cool. Thanks!" The poor waitress seemed so surprised by the way Minn had ordered she didn't quite question it, just nodded awkwardly and went back to the kitchen looking as if she was trying to decide on being annoyed or just really confused.

Minn didn't give it a second thought. She turned to the table again, unfolding her napkin with utensils in it and put it in her lap neatly. "So." She offered Cormac another toothy, enthusiastic grin as she looked up at him. She was tiny compared to him and looked slightly out of place, sitting there in that chair with her ratty denim jacket and bright red lipstick. "What did you order? Oh â€" oh gods." Minn suddenly made a face, bringing her painted, chipped colored nails up to her nose with a mild look of disgust.

"Do you know you coffee smells horrid?"

but his teeth are red, so i sleep with the wolf in my bed
i know they crave the same thing in the end

Lenore - Human - 24 - Grand


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