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nick info

Posted on September 30, 2015 by nook


Name: Nicholas Sebastian Geiszler (pronounced as Guys-ler). However, this is not his real name and no one knows. He was forced to live under this alias due to what happened to him.
Date Of Birth: October 17, 1980
Date Of Becoming a Were: October 17, 2000
Type Of Were / Appearance as Were: Nick is a Bighorn Sheep, an animal native to his birth place, but he doesn't look like your typical ram you might find in the mountains of Montana. He's stocky with a very impressive set of horns that curl completely and are thick and so black that light shines off them. His eyes remain a beautiful blue, just as in his human form. His fur is completely white (not to be confused with the similar Dall Sheep) with black lines that line down either side of his spine (parallel), beginning behind his ears and then curling into a spiral on his hind legs/hips. His short little tail is also black. On his forehead there is a black design in the shape of a Fleur-de-lis.
Sexuality: Asexual, though more Gray-Asexual. He experiences sexual attraction quite often, but has no desire or drive to engage or be sexually active. He's been in one relationship that lasted barely a couple months when he was a teenager and has no problem never being in one again. He's only ever had one sexual partner, and if he even does engage in any sexual behavior, it's always with a woman. He's very insecure.
Relationship Status: Single.
Power(s): Camouflage. Nick has the ability to change, blend and hide in his environment. However, prolonged use of this power leads to draining him physically and it can take hours or days for him to recover, so short bursts (mostly for his amusement) are best. Using this ability while transformed in his Were shape can be even worse and make him bedridden, so he tries to avoid this at all costs.
History: Bred, born and raised in Montana. He had a fairly normal and uneventful life, though in his teens it became clear that something wasn't entirely right with him. He was diagnosed with Depression and Fibromyalgia. He eventually dropped out of High School at 17. Family life was no better as his parents often fought and struggled with money. He started self-harming from the pain he felt inside and out and still does to this day. The Sleep Paralysis also started at around this time and continues. As he's gotten older, it's clear he may have Borderline Personality Disorder. Nick has a younger sister, they are close (even if they are polar opposites). When he ran from the Hospital after transforming for the first time, the public was not told of this and he was listed as missing in the state, which is why he changed his name and can not return to his home.
How He Became a Were: On his 20th birthday he went hiking with a friend when they came across a Bighorn. It was strange looking and not like a regular one they'd ever seen (not aware it wasn't just a Bighorn, but a Were). It started walking towards them, Nick took it as aggressive and started throwing rocks at it to make it go away. Instead, it attacked him and badly wounded him to near death. His friend shot at the animal and it ran off, bleeding. Nick was air-lifted and taken to a Hospital where he was treated for broken ribs, his right leg, left shoulder, left arm and wrist. He spent a month there, though oddly was healing a little faster than normal. The next full moon, he painfully transformed and trashed his room, scared and confused as to what was happening. A nurse came in and he bolted for the door and escaped from the Hospital. Still not fully healed from his injuries, he was found by the witch Oleander Tremayne. She took him in and nursed him back to health (though it still took time) and over that time they bonded, having not found other Supernaturals before Sactosanct, they connected and have been inseparable since.
Personality: Adventurous, egotistical, sarcastic, little to no manners, brave, creative, emotional (though not openly or outwardly), humorous, intuitive, a joker / prankster, bossy, reckless, impulsive, deceitful, finicky, impatient, jealous, obsessive, possessive, quarrelsome, stubborn, vain, vengeful and vulgar. He's also very dependent and fears abandonment which is probably why he clings to Oleander for support.
Notables: Oleander Tremayne is like the sister he can no longer contact. Though he is quite intolerable to be around, he's loyal and loving to her like a big brother and forever grateful for taking him in and nursing him back to health.
Residence: Unknown
Work: Jobless
Tattoos/Scars/Piercings: He has scars from his attack, and his left arm and both legs are riddled with razor cuts and scars from his self-harming, which is why he often wears long sleeves to hide them, even from Oleander. He feels great shame for it.

character played & created by nook, lyrics by no devotion's i wanna be your god
nick's brief information and history


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