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= light 'em up =

Posted on July 04, 2014 by Kohl
 photo kohl222_zps6aab4e61.jpg

"Oh fuck it, Serika."

The words were mumbled to myself as I reached for my jacket, not that I actually needed the damn thing, I never seem to able to get cold, in fact, I almost miss the feeling and yet twenty four years of wearing jackets when I go outside in winter has resulted in a seemingly unbreakable habit and desire to continue to wear them, even if the purpose is rather moot. I jammed my phone back into my pocket, attempting to do up my jeans at the same time with as much swiftness as I could manage. Honestly I'd hardly hurry if not for the fact that I actually believe she will come up her and scratch my floors. I need to change the locks to stop her getting in. I scowled slightly, snatching my Ray Bans from the dresser and hooking then over my shirt. Honestly I had no idea which bar we were going to though they tend to be unfortunately well lit and I hardly need an incident tonight, the glasses also do a very good job of hiding the fact that I am entirely exhausted. This is what comes from taking care of a woman who had done her best to try and die on me after showing up at my apartment looking as if she'd been run down by a car. Kate had hardly stayed all the long, yet even those few nights had resulted in my being utterly sleepless because the only thing I can do is picture her naked, the only thing I can think about is all the things she won't let me do and honestly I am entirely sure that girl will be the death of me- not that I'd mind, not really. Her presence however, had also forced me to run on a normal schedule and be awake most of the day when I would normally enjoy a considerable amount of sleep. I hope wherever the hell where going has decent alcohol.

I sighed, eyes rolling as she beeped the horn. Alright already. Maybe she can get dressed in her awful pencil skirt and unappealing blazer in about five seconds, but some of us understand that looking like a walking God takes a little bit more time. I ran my fingers briefly through the dark gold of my hair and headed for the door, closing it behind me as I strode out and onto the street, tucking my hands into my pockets, one blue gold eye lifting at the sight of the car. I don't remember her driving this, then again I hardly remember her driving at all. Hmm. Good, she should have a car and really it's nice to know she spends my money on something half decent. A light smirk danced across my lip as I swung open the passenger side door, seating myself beside her, momentarily allowing my gaze to drift across her very feminine figure, she's no Kate, but she is hardly hard on the eyes and truly that little black dress does wonders for her. Why on earth doesn't she wear it more often? I grinned lightly in approval as I waited for her to drive, quite pleased my employee had managed....something other then the school-teacher look she had displayed every other time I've seen her. In fact...maybe this look was a little too good. Hell, I've been entirely celibate for....well....almost a week now, Kate's presence in my apartment taking most of my focus from the fact an outside world actually exists and yet the sight of Serika now reminds me of just how long it's actually been, hell, how I haven't started climbing the walls I don't know. I really shouldn't look at my employee like this, then again, she's entirely used to it by now I'm sure, besides, she is very amusing to tease.

"You should wear that more often, then again, your going to attract all sorts of attention in it you know?"

I chuckled softly, grinning easily towards her as I leant back in the seat.

k o h l
so you want to play with magic?


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