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don’t you dream impossible things?

Posted on April 28, 2021 by Piper Aldersley
cause i want you for worse or for better
i could wait forever and ever
broke your heart, i'll put it back together

Despite having only known the young delivery driver for a matter of minutes, it was remarkably easy to fall into a friendly, witty banter with him. She was unaware of how nervous he might have been that his wayward joke would cause the young shopowner to take offense, instead immediately discussing just how pleased she was with his description of her. It was certainly a more pleasurable one than what her own family might have commented, and given that she was looking down at her box of adventures when she spoke, she missed the look of surprise that crossed his features at her being considered such a 'Mouthy Heathen'. Piper smiled brightly when he spoke, her hands pausing on the pile of books that she had been neatly organizing upon the counter. "Good, I'll hold you to that. You better show up when they're carving my tombstone and correct the error, otherwise I shall be forced to haunt this world forever, telling the story of how I was so falsely labeled as a heathen."

Her smile only grew at his words, the blonde finishing off that quote with ease. Oh, what a nerd he must think of her now, to be so easily able to quote 'Alice in Wonderland', of all things. It was certainly not a normal trait to be so able to recite books from memory, and yet he seemed ever amused as she struggled to hide her own embarrassment. "I..." She began, allowing herself to trail off as he explained exactly why she shouldn't feel shame for her knowledge of book quotes, fairy tales, and adventures. "I own the bookstore, actually," Piper corrected gently, though that only further cemented just how much of a bookish dork she certainly was. "And I considered putting book quotes just under the crown molding, but I ended up not having time before we opened. That was one I considered, though." She paused, looking up at the walls of her shop as if considering that that might be an adventure to partake in, before she brought her attention back to him. "What is the weird knowledge required for your job? You're not a pharmacist, so if you start reciting the periodic table, should I assume that you're a drug dealer?" The corner of her lip twitched up into a smile as she finished her teasing quip.

Piper busied herself with attempting to sign the presented delivery slip, her next teasing words cut off by the explosion of noise that stole the power from her store. That feminine gasp of surprise and fear seemed too loud with the absence of the hum of electricity. Piper was silently grateful for the light his phone provided, if only because it made her mind stop racing on the look of the shadows that crept into her space and threatened to steal her away to the dangerous fantasy lands of her imagination. Her bookishness, in this sense, was certainly not a gift when her mind raced with the lands of fantasy and a fear of the darkness they were left in. Still, the young woman did her best to hide those thoughts as she elegantly signed her name across the line of his delivery slip. They were about out of excuses for him to stay within the shop, and Piper was certainly not thrilled about the idea of being alone.

Anxiety blossomed within the young girl as he stepped away from the counter, sure that this was the moment he would leave. Piper's silent, mental plea seemed to have been accepted as he moved deeper within the shelves of her store. Quickly, Piper maneuvered herself around the counter to follow him, laughing along with him as he prompted that desire to know where exactly he would find the doomsday books. But she was hardly given the opportunity to respond to that before her companion plucked a book off the shelves, claiming that surely she didn't sell many of these, right? Piper couldn't help the chuckle that escaped her lips as she stopped directly in front of him. The elderly woman who frequented this section of her bookstore came to mind immediately. After all, Piper had called the woman earlier that day with the news of the latest book in a series that she'd put aside from her. She gently took the book from his hands, turning it over as she voiced her thoughts on the woman that came to mind, her words halting on the very notion that she was certainly a witch, even if Piper had no proof of that. The darkness hid the blush, thankfully, though the young woman's voice was still ever playful as she proclaimed that she liked to play a game, of sorts, to pass the time.

She could almost feel the excitement between the two of them as he inquired about the game, the young woman taking the bait to explain the game that she played with herself. Piper gently placed the book back on the shelf as she explained her interest in the supernatural and whether or not her customers fell into the category that so held her interest. Piper paused in her thoughts as he moved around the bookshelf, poking his head around to stare at her. Piper gave a small shrug to her companion, a smile on her lips as she nodded along. "I'm, unfortunately, not supernatural in the slightest. But I'm a girl who loves fairytales and the idea of magic, I can't help but be intrigued!" Her voice raised slightly at the end in an attempt to reach the boy who had disappeared once more into the shelves. Piper stood still in the shelf, her fingers lovingly brushing across the spines of the books on the shelves as she listened to his heavy footsteps.

The sound of his voice once more made the young woman look up, her attention focused fully on the boy in front of her. A smile grew on her features as she readily accepted the challenge the boy offered her. Piper let out a soft breath as his arm brushed against her own skin, grateful once more for the darkness to hide the blush that so readily crept up onto her cheeks. "Alright, I'll play," She mused, moving to sit in the armchair beside him. She tucked herself into the chair, her knees pressed to her chest and her arms wrapped around her legs tightly. She stared at the man in front of her, readily studying the object of her attention. Finally, Piper smiled a little, tilting her head to the side as she rested her chin upon her knees.

"Well, you've given me a few clues without realizing it, you know," Piper mused, a playful smile upon her lips as she spoke. "Given your time of arrival, you're not a vampire. Of course, the sun isn't exactly out right now, but I'm pretty sure that would still be valid. But even then, you just touched my arm a minute ago." Piper lifted her wrist, shaking it slightly to make the bracelet jingle in the darkness. "It's a gift from my Dad, he isn't thrilled about my whole interest in this kind of stuff. But anyway, it's silver and iron, so that definitely rules out vampire. It also rules out you being a Were or fae, I think. You also work as a delivery driver, and from what I understand a lot of Hunters work and get paid from some sort of Hunter's society." Piper paused, considering. "Which means that you're either a warlock or you're human. But I don't think that you're human, so that leaves that you're a warlock."

Piper was, after all, nothing if not clever.
and that's how it works
that's how you get the girl
piper aldersley

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