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Posted on October 18, 2014 by Auree
Little angel go away, come again some other day.
The devil has my ear today.
Tobi's delight at the discovery of lipstick only lasted as long as I let him eat it without speaking. Upon my mentioning that the treat might have been a delicacy wherever he was from, he glowered up at me with the indignity of a child with a speech impediment being corrected before they understood their disability. I sighed, deciding it was far easier to accept the lack of SAT word vocabulary with a shrug than to dispute the fact that clearly, lipstick was a delicacy that had never graced my palate before. For a second, I realized I was actually contemplating what lipstick might taste like. Did different brands use different products, and because of that they tasted different? I made a mental note to acquire a handful of different brands to present Tobi with to figure the answer to that out before vaguely acknowledging that the empty, eaten tube of lipstick was rolling around on the shop floor. Before the idea of a lack of knowledge of SAT words left the station, I had to reign in a snicker of amusement as he attempted to pronounce my name.

"Davan-tay, actually. Y'know ... Just ... Yeah, Dav. That works."

With his finality of what he had dubbed me, I again decided it was better than to argue. It somehow seemed as if that was going to be the general consensus when dealing with the were, assuming his vocabulary and visible defiant nature were sticking around for good. Evidently, he at least planned on sticking around until the meat was caught and re-murdered, which was good enough for me. Besides, lunch and a show? What more could you want from an interrupted, unplanned Sunday afternoon. The meat market loomed ahead, a smell I could recognize innately because of how animals, like other things of the earth, had a scent that humans and others often couldn't recognize. Things â€" metals, elements, minerals, animals, nature... It all had a certain smell to it that mattered to me since the manipulation of said things was second nature. It was easier to incorporate more into manipulation of the earth if you let your senses fall prey to everything the earth wanted to give you; sights, smells, tastes... Clearly, the were had instincts that were far more primal than human, as his eyes dilated in longing when he too caught the scent of the meat. He launched into action at my mere dismissal, his actions bringing a satisfied grin to my face. How easy was it to please him?

In a flurry of fur and frightened voices, I looked up from the other side of the market which had caught my attention. A stand-keeper was clearly indignant at the way Tobias had actively began maiming an already dead piece of meat, his voice higher pitched and worried about money. Who the hell cares? One piece of meat? Let the boy have his fun. I exhaled hotly, finding myself exasperated at the man who wasn't going to let me have my fun in watching the were enjoy his new game.

"No, we're not going to pay for it. Maybe you shouldn't have left it out; haven't you heard, there are feral animals and people around?"

I stated this matter of factly, frustrated with his limited capacity to understand our fun. Clearly, Tobias felt similar. In a moment's time, all of the people surrounding the stand and the scene were fleeing, knocking cartons over and stands and shouting about some kind of invasion. Like hell! The only invasion that was occurring was the teeth of the were-leopard on his slab of meat. With a laugh, I took a few steps over to him to inspect the job of mutilation he had provided it with, nodding my approval. In an effort to amuse the boy even further, I shut my eyes to find center before attempting to provide him with further games. Illusion wasn't my art just yet, but it was slowly becoming so with practice, and good humor. Using his excitement to fuel the mirage, I weaved the image in my mind first and was visibly pleased when another slab of meat was visible to him, dancing just out of his reach.

As he turned his sights towards me and inquired about where I lived, it felt only fitting to move the meat down the road some. "You should probably catch that before it runs off..." He reached up to offer me some of the meat, and with a brief shake of my head, I declined the offer. "All yours kitty." I had imagined that we would proceed towards my house, when I was clearly mistaken because there was a general sound of fright coming from the man's voice. His fur was stuck on his face? It had seemed like he left parts of his animal self in tact often like his tail or his ears... But not so much the fur. On closer inspection, I couldn't help the short bark of a laugh.

"I hate to break it to you, but the fur isn't going away. It's called hair, and your face isn't broken, fortunately for you. Annoying, but normal."


It's alright precious.
I'm here.


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