
Within the Northern vicinity of the city, the wealthy gather behind meticulously trimmed hedges and high-class architecture. The pristine streets are paved with stone and the storefronts are brightly lit and inviting - for the right clientele. In the North, every establishment is eager to cater to the rich and the wealthy. Many such places are used to the sometimes peculiar requests of the otherworldly but here there is little that money cannot buy - whether it happens to be illegal or merely involves looking the other way. Vampires and Dark Hunters are often found upon these Northern streets, their long lives often contributing to their sizable wealth which allows them the luxuries that the North provides.

What You'll Find Here

The VooDoo Room
The Witchery


The newly opened Eternity is an expensive fine dining restaurant nestled high upon the hills of the North - providing it a breathtaking view of the city below. The award-winning chefs at Eternity collaborate directly with local farmers and producers to source the freshest ingredients for its ever-changing menu. The staff at Eternity pride themselves on serving each customer's unique dietary needs - from the vampiric to the mortal races. Reservations are strongly encouraged as Eternity is frequently booked to capacity.

The VooDoo Room

Located in the heart of the North, the Voodoo Room is the spirits lover's destination of choice in Sacrosanct. The Voodoo room is a craft cocktail bar that aims to provide an eclectic and exotic atmosphere. Nestled among the William Morris wallpaper, gold, and wood, you will find a new kind of neighborhood cocktail bar. One where hospitality and skill work in concert. With intoxicating liquors and a voodoo vibe, the Voodoo room will keep you coming back for more. Guided by the mantra of providing a one of a kind, high-end experience, the Voodoo Room's mixologists meet the highest standards with a fantastically themed selection of cocktails and specials.

The Witchery

Dark, Gothic, and thoroughly theatrical, the Witchery is a place to indulge yourself with it's lavish, theatrical suites. Whatever room you choose, you'll find glamor, indulgence, and luxury. From the Vestry to the Library and the Armory, the suites of the Witchery are nothing short of sensually romantic. A stay at the Witchery is not complete without dining in the rich baroque surroundings of the original oak-paneled hotel or among the elegant candle-lit charms of the Secret Garden. Whether you stay or dine, The Witchery is an unforgettably magical experience.

light 'em up, i'm on fire (Kat cont.)

Posted on December 06, 2014 by Kohl
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I don't believe I have ever forcibly dragged a women out of the door before, after all, that really isn't my style, getting women to follow me has rarely been a problem and yet with the sudden rise in...lets call in the room I had no desire to actually let Kat linger any longer then she truly needed to, my own hand reaching back to encircle hers, aiming to pull her delicately behind me, hopefully before she had any chance to actually see a stray being she felt needed assaulting. Maybe I shouldn't be trying to stop her doing her job, our job, I suppose, but as far as I'm concerned this is Azraels job as well. If he enjoys shooting his medieval looking slingshot thing at other people then let him. What? I've never really seen a crossbow before and honestly unless it is some highly new developed form of sex toy chances are I am not going to have any desire to actually learn to use it. So shoot me, my mind is a little one tracked, it's entirely hard not to be when I'm around Kat. I know what I want, hell, I've known what I've wanted for months now and yet she seems entirely content to merely leave things as they are, to pretend we never happened. Maybe she just needs time, it's not like she's the only one fucking terrified of what.....we could be. Either way I am tired of wondering if she is going to come home at night, I'm tired of pacing my bedroom floor with my rather clever mind imaging ever possible way I could receive a phone call telling me she's dead in a gutter somewhere, I don't want to deal with this. Denial always was my talent, pretending the bad things don't exist my apparent answer to every one of life's problems- much to my investors delight I'm sure and for just one night I am entirely inclined to be selfish and want Kat all to myself, to pretend the world isn't filled with villains that need destroying, bad things I simply...don't see.

Hell, I think I almost won, having managed to actually get Kat outside and onto the sidewalk, barely a few feet from my bike, my own house the evident destination, a choice that saw a momentary smirk lace my lips. It wasn't that I disliked her place exactly I just...valued furniture, Kat's apartment perhaps the barest home I had ever seen aside from her desk, single chair, bed and the one and only green cushion I had very near forced the girl to buy. One step at a time I suppose. If I have my way, by next Christmas I plan to implement my plan to actually get the girl a second chair. I wonder how she'd take that as a Christmas present.... Can I really get a girl furniture? Was that too domestic? Whatever words had been on my lips however were abruptly halted by Kat's sudden pause, her attention shifting towards a nearby alley as I already felt another sigh on my own lips, her features lighting up the way they do anytime she sees anything pointy. I never did understand her fascination with knives, then again, that night in her apartment and enough vodka and I'd been almost entirely convinced to rethink them. Minus the vodka however my thoughts were remarkably more gathered, her weapon fascination appealing to me almost as much as her ridiculous need to jog. Such a pointless form of exercise- no climax at all. I smirked loosely at the humor within my own mind before folding my hands into my pockets, moving to trail after her despite every part of myself berating the action. What good could possibly come from wandering down a highly suspicious alley? If anyone comes at me with a knife Kat is entirely on her own. What? I'm highly supportive of women stepping out of their gender defined roles and I see no problem holding her handbag while she does the fighting, I'm fairly sure I bought her that handbag and it is far too damn nice to get blood on it. Then again, since spending so much more time with Kat I have become rather exceptionally skilled at getting bloodstains out of clothes. Honestly I could open a business based on that principal.

I continued to follow her with as much enthusiasm as I could muster for late night traipsing down questionably dark spaces, features forming something of a grimace as she moved to crouch down behind a dumpster. I can almost feel the bacteria threatening to give me...I don't know...typhoid, Ebola, some sort of venereal disease that I know I am entirely not mentally capable of contracting and attempting to deal with. If it hadn't been for the vampires attempting to eat the human girl in....more ways then one I am entirely sure I would have found the time to find Kat at least a pair of gloves, god knows what her hands have touched. As it is I think I managed something akin to a scowl of sorts, even beneath the lenses of my ray bans I could see the girl and I could see what they were doing. Maybe I don't believe in hunting, in killing people who don't seem to have commited any crime other then having been unfortunate for one incident in their lives that resulted in their becoming some sort of blood-drinking, fur-wearing alter ego but this is....something else. This has nothing to do with species of hunting, this has to do with a young women being treated in a manner no woman should. Maybe I have been around before, hell, maybe even I have had a few questionable moments in alleyways with one woman or another (although I have never crouched behind a dumpster and I'm not about to start) but I can ascertain entirely to the fact that I have never done anything like that to a woman, my adoration of the feminine form entirely restricted to those whom desire it from me and yet there was still some part of me that....begrudged Kat this momentary victory.

She knew as well as I did that I wouldn't walk away from this, my victory at having managed to get her out of the Witchery seeming rather spoiled by this moment and yet I suppose there was little more then I could do, my own jaw setting in a firm...line of sorts. This...wasn't my fight, it never would be, but even without being a Hunter I suppose, for this, I would have stopped.

"You know I can't. Just...hold one for one moment I have an idea, just be ready."

I hadn't exactly come prepared as Kat had and yet I suppose the curse of having an over active mind is that I am rather given to notice quite a lot of the things other people don't, turning to silently slide from the alley once more, hurriedly stepping back up the steps of the witchery and inside once more, ignoring the utter chaos the hall had disrupted into, reaching for something on the side of the wall before proceeding to carry it back towards the alleyway where Kat remained hidden behind the dumpster. Well- hopefully she was at least ready like I told her to be, I really should think my plans through a little more and yet I never was good at that, moving to stride right past her and towards the trio, the vampires seeming to notice my presence almost immediately, a ready grin finding its way onto my features as I simply moved to flick the ray bans aside-pausing before them and the whimpering girl.

"You know, that bra actually unclips at the front, it's a Bella Mia model, with a little practice you can get them off in about three seconds, would you like me to show you?"
Alright, so I have a working knowledge of different bra varieties, I fail to see what's wrong with that. In fact....I think Kat should really experiment with hers a little more, hmmm, maybe lingerie would make a nice Christmas gift, I never do get tired of looking at her after all, even if I only have ever been give a single taste. My knowledge in regards to women's underwear however, at least seemed to have the desired effect, both vampires releasing the woman long enough to stare at me with what I am going to hope was stupefied awe. I only needed that single moment after all, raising the fire extinguisher I had borrowed from the witchery before hitting the handle, letting the white foam explode in every direction, covering them both and momentarily entirely blurring their sense and blinding there vision- hopefully long enough for Kat to do what she needed, readily extending what part of my powers I could control towards the human girl, waiting for that look of lust to overtake her features, attempting to coax her to come towards me readily and away form her flailing, foam-covered assailants, letting that easy grin trace my features once more, holding one hand out to take her own as she stumbled forward in giddy delight at my presence. Well- at least someone appreciates me. This also may be the most effort I have ever put into hunting anything ever, that has to be worth at least a nice make out session, right? Reward for effort after all.

k o h l
so you want to play with magic?
