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I have loved you. Testing.

Posted on August 16, 2015 by Scarlett Trivale

I'll love you for a thousand more....

Her mind lingered on him. Vortigern left so many questions behind when he left her. Why had he left? Where did he go? Would he ever return? Her prolonged journey had offered her no answers to these questions, only buried the dagger he had placed in her heart deeper in. The elven fae had become so much more than a friend for her, he had captured the werewolf's heart and held it so delicately in his hand, only to leave it behind when he vanished from Boston. It had changed her, shattered her into a million pieces for someone else to try and put back together again. But she was now a rubiks cube so impossible to solve, her love a trusted treasure locked away inside of her forever more.

Scarlett felt her heart squeezing once more with a familiar pain she had grown accustomed to. Whenever tears felt on the verge of breaking through, she got up from whatever it was she was doing and ran. Ran from all her pain and heart ache because it was the only thing she could think to do. She knew the other pack wolves could feel the sadness that riddled her entire being, could sense something was just not quite right with her, but she kept to herself, not wanting to drag them down with her. There presence was enough to clear the storms on bad days, and that was all she could ask of her family and more.

She shifted rather quickly, the urge to get out and run overtaking the pain of breaking bones and shifting skin. In place of a petite, blonde girl, lay a tiny, panting wolf. She rose to shakey legs, grabbing the pile of clothes she had set out into gentle jaws and pushing out of the door to her room. After some playful pleading, she finally got one of her pack members to tie the clothes in a pack around her neck. With a thankful bark, she bolted out of the front door they had opened for her, sprinting full force through the front yard and into the trees.

She ran and ran, letting the wind be her guide as all her troubles seemed lost behind her. The trees were a sea that she wanted to get endlessly lost in, and so she did. She ran deep into the forest, far from the trails that normal humans used to hike on. Only when her body felt entirely exhausted did she slow to a stop, collapsing onto her side. Her breathing was erratic, but a big wolfish grin spread across her lips. For the first time, she forgot Vortigern, and simple let herself be herself again.

Scarlett Trivale

Werewolf X 19 years X Picture


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