
The southern part of the city has a chic family-oriented sort of charm to it. Here, small locally owned shops run rampant, neighbors often know each other by name, and the monthly socials are an event not to be missed. In the South, children can often be seen safely playing in the park or on sidewalks and in the weekends, families often take to the beach to enjoy the warm waters surrounding the city.

What You'll Find Here

Ascension Center of Equitation
Hyde Park
Point Defiance Zoo and Aquarium
The Outskirts
The University of Sacrosanct

Ascension Center of Equitation

The Ascension Center of Equitation is the epicenter of the Dark Hunter Cavalry Unit. Originally a high-class facility for show-jumping, Ascension now caters entirely to the Cavalry Unit. Here the Dark Hunters learn how to ride and fight upon the backs of horses - many of which are Were's themselves.
Home of: The Cavalry

Hyde Park

Hyde Place takes up a large part of the Southern side of the city and includes a large playground, several fountains, and a small garden. The park is open from five in the morning till midnight though many shady characters may visit this place while it's technically "closed". The park has also been a venue for several concerts and hosts many holiday-related events. Under a full moon, witches are often seen here for the sacred ground beneath the iconic Weeping Beech.

Point Defiance Zoo and Aquarium

The Point Defiance Zoo & Aquarium (PDZA) is an award-winning combined zoo and aquarium located within the Southern Part of Sacrosanct. Situated on 92 acres in Sacrosanct's Hyde Park, the zoo and aquarium are home to over 9,000 specimens representing 367 animal species. Point Defiance is also widely known for its conversation efforts regarding the breed and release program of Red Wolves.

The Outskirts

Beyond the city limits and over the bridge lies the deep, dark, and almost impenetrable forest. Often seen as a way to guard this magical city against the world that surrounds it, many are entirely ignorant of the evil that may creep between those tree trunks. Many were-creatures use the forest for the transformations of their newest members and some even take to hunting here. It isn't particularly peculiar for people to go missing within this forest but once you get through, the rest of the world awaits.

The University of Sacrosanct

The University of Sacrosanct offers some of the top programs in the nation with its outstanding campus and specialized faculty. The University places a high focus both upon educating future generations but also on research to help revolutionize the world. The University welcomes the talent of students across the world to enroll and unlock their unlimited potential. With applications from across the nation, classes fill up quickly.

PhD in Plant Biology Abigail Hughes

I don't think you could get excited if you tried, Sasha

Posted on April 29, 2018 by Rixon Leifsson

we built this city on broken glass

He could hardly help that distinct note of bitterness that seemed to find his words at the mere mention of Alexander's taking a new colt from amongst that hundred or so that would surely 'graduate' from that training center this coming year. He remembered such a place with no true fondness in any sense and yet too, a part of him found the very idea of himself being replaced by a mere boy to be almost...abrasive. For all he might care to pretend otherwise and indeed for all he refused to accept those internal considerations within himself, Alexander was one of the true beings upon this earth whom had ever gained but any tendril of respect from the Icelandic steed. Alexander's opinion of him mattered, no matter how much he might desire it otherwise. Frost so refusing to admit to such emotions so bluntly and yet he found himself near berating the man for his choice in taking a child all the same. Frost content to present him with the knowledge that a colt would be too much effort and, more so, would take far more time to train that he was surely worth. The stallion hardly anticipating Alexander's soft retort that he himself had been little more than a boy when he had taken up that tutelage beneath Aristotle and barely older then Frost himself had been when he had first been recruited to his Father's army to march before climbing those ranks of commander and lastly as King at the age of no more than nineteen. The War Horse so allowing that ghost of a simper to find his lips all the same at the idea he should not underestimate what a mere boy could do.

"That is one thing I don't think I have ever done."

He responded softly and yet on that he hardly chose to elaborate, at least not now. Frost hardly choosing to suggest that it was no longer 300BC, Alexanders point in this well made all the same. The Hunter's simple assurance that time was of no consequence to him, not when he had several lifetimes to live resulting in that snort from the stallion all the same and yet on this point he offered little argument. Frost remaining unsure as to why the idea of Alexander with another seemed to bother him so much all the same. He had never cared before yet, somehow, he had begun to care now, despite his denial off it. Frost remaining determined to point out those flaws or difficulties in Alexander's acquisition of Darius or a new colt both. Little in that world so preparing him for the Hunter to turn towards him then, his hand reached out then to rest upon Frost's cheek in the first true, genuine touch of affection the stallion had ever been offered within his life- at least from a being not his own Mother. It was a destabilising gesture, one that so readily fractured those icy walls the stallion had firmly presented the Hunter with. In all his life he had never been offered choice. Not of the kind Alexander offered. The Hunter so keeping that promise Frost had believed he had cast aside those weeks ago. His hand reaching at last upward to fit easily into Alexanders own in that single, genuine moment of compassion between the pair. That new promise of sorts exchanged, spoken in his own native language. Those very words meaning a great deal to the stallion. Frost assured he would not forget this moment so long as he lived, even despite his efforts to return them to their more usual demeanor in the wake of it. Frost simply not one for outwardly displaying such emotion even despite how deeply it had found him.

Alexander lent easily back upon the rail of the verandah then. Frost's own form content to rest against the side of his house, that conversation so naturally shifting toward that new role Alexander had announced and just how the man might intend to make those changes to the Mounted Unit he had assumed command off. How Alexander had persuaded the Council to afford him that very command was a curious prospect. That Cavalry Unit, for years, the very centre of political correctness. The Council often designing to employ and promote those Hunter men and women they favoured, regardless of their suitability to lead such an army. Those men who had served that unti for long enough expected promotion in turn regardless of their efforts in furthering its cause. The Hunter Cavalry, over the years, having become a mere glimmer of the force it had once been and yet that position as Commander was still a coveted one. Frost merely allowing one eye to arch upwards at Alexanders admittance that he had obtained that promotion through those less then traditional means despite his qualifications for it surely superior to any other applicant regardless. That chuckle his words prompted in the ancient man followed by that insistence he was far older than the three local members all the same and that they hardly knew what to do with him. Frost allowing his lip to quirk just so once more.

"About six years ago, the blonde one, Azazzle, or whatever his name is- joined our Unit for a singular mission outside Finland. They gave me to him. He is a surprisingly decent rider- but he walked home that day. He has a temper, that one."

It was the single and only true interaction Frost had ever had with Azrael. The war horse having unseated the man outside Helsinki and leaving him to march home by foot. Half that Unit having been forced to chase after Frost himself while the rest had surely endured Azrael's tirade for the rest of the afternoon. The stallion finding that hint of amusement to know that Alexander too had managed to irritate the man in some fashion before that mention of a Lieutenant already having been chosen saw that equines violet gaze flicker back towards him. There were a handful of men he already knew to have been vying for that spot as Commander in the wake of Xerxes death and, upon losing such a position, would turn their attention to that of Lieutenant. Xerxes own second in command surely one of them. Frost voicing his disdain for at least one of those men before querying just who Alexander had appointed. The man holding no true idea, in that moment, the very depth of those ripples Alexander intended to unleash when such knowledge became public. Frost hardly anticipating that insistence that this Lieutenant was someone he did not know, least of all a Hunter whom did not already serve the calvary- but rather a man who had served Alexander loyally for more than a thousand years. One who held his trust. Frost content to ponder that very declaration for several moments, his fingers tapping against the side of the house in contemplation before his gaze at last met Alexander's own levelly once more.

"You are prepared then, for the fallout from this? For the claims of nepotism? To choose a man as your Second from outside that Unit will promote discontent within it. Your men are going to question you and they will judge whoever you chose on everything he does if only to find fault with him. Whoever he is- he is going to need to be a stronger man than those set to oppose him. Though frankly I think the Unit could use a damn change. Can your man ride at least?"

He hardly believed Alexander would afford that position to an incompetent in any sense, rather, Frost found himself almost intrigued at the idea that his companion was bold enough to not only assume control of that Unit- but to tear down those long-held traditions of promotion and reward by affording that coveted position to a man off his own choosing. Frankly, Frost found the idea of a new man, one untainted by that Unit as it was to be a reasonable choice and yet- many would not. Besides, a part of Frost was simply inclined to see the chaos Alexander would cause with that choice. How much he enjoyed watching those men get...upset. That ghost of a smile finding his lips at the very thought. The look only faltering at Alexanders sudden mention off a daughter and Frost's own vector. A partnership that stallion had, until now, been unaware off- along with the existence of Alexander's child altogether.. The Hunter assuring him a moment later the girl was off his creation rather than born of natural means in the same fashion his own Calliel was. Frost finding himself hardly concerned with the idea off his vector taking place in that Unit- provided she was not to run in those front lines and be made fodder for whatever opponent they faced. Yet- Frost did not believe for a moment that Alexander would place his own daughter in such danger all the same. The man snorting softly at that suggestion Alexander would hardly allow Frost's vector not to be put to use. Those easy, cool words leaving him then.

"I am surprised she allowed herself to be useful in that fashion. Though, frankly, I have come to see you have a skill for persuasion when it comes to equines."

That taint of amusement seemed to find his words once more as Alexander paused in contemplation before offering that consideration he had clearly given that relationship between this Anastasia and his own Calliel. Frost's head merely nodded in simple response. Frankly, he hardly believed Calliel held the spine for it. He hardly questioned her bravery, the girl a veritable spitfire and yet words were not weapons in a war. The sight of a real battle a stark reality he did not truly believe Calliel was ready to face- though for now he kept suh thoughts to himself.

"That is agreeable."

He offered simply. Frost choosing not to press Alexander further for now on that very idea. Rather, it was several other question he found himself considering. The stallion prompted instead to offer that ride rather than expose his Hunter companion to that feline invested house. Alexander's expression appearing to near darken at the idea of it before the man seemed to readily accept that rarely given offer. Frost paused only so long as it took him to assure Nadya he would return in a few hours before stepping back out of that house to follow after his companion and toward that park with its concealed trails and covering hedges. Frost taking the opportunity of that cover to rid himself off his clothing while Alexander kept watch lest some woman or child have their eyes sullied. That shift however, took barely a moment to complete, Frost shaking that heavy white frame as he stepped from the undergrowth and easily to Alexander's side. The stallion hardly flinching away from those hands that reached for him this time. Frost, somehow, simply more.....comfortable in that equine skin when it came to those touches. The stallion easily lowering his head to lean into those gentle strokes of Alex's fingers upon his nape. He had missed those touches.

The soft press of Alexander's forehead to his own was hardly unwelcomed, his ears pricked forward at those offered words her hardly understood and yet he so hardly needed to understand them exactly to contemplate that meaning. The intention within them clear enough as Alexander simply stood in that moment of simple shared affection between the pair- one the rest of the world was hardly privy too and yet simply did not need to be. Frost allowing that warm rush of air to blow gently from his nostrils in simple, genuine contentment at Alexanders presence. The stallion daring to nuzzle against the man's chest a moment.

"I missed you too."

That thought was offered singularly to Alexander alone. Those words every bit the truth and the first true admittance of them he had made. They were easier, somehow, in that moment. Alexander's lips so brushed against his forehead as Frost merely allowed one foreleg to lift and press against the Hunter, drawing the man slightly closer in the first true.....hug of sorts he had ever given another being, let alone another man, before simply allowing that foreleg to remain bent and provide the Hunter that step up and onto his back. Some moments, after all, simply did not need words. This surely one of them. Frost waited simply until Alex had settled upon his back before stepping from those trees and onto the wide path that led past that riding stable and into the forest beyond. His attempts to teach Nadya to ride in those weeks Alexander had been absent only further increasing his appreciation for the Hunter's natural skill. The stallion simply content to enjoy that return of...rightness to his existence before he voiced those further questions.

"Do you intend to recall and retrain the entire Unit? Do you plan for us to travel to those breeding and training centers in Iceland and Ireland and Russia and Canada to review them? There are....changes that could be made to the process. As for the Unit as a whole- have they all been told of your promotion yet?"

