
The southern part of the city has a chic family-oriented sort of charm to it. Here, small locally owned shops run rampant, neighbors often know each other by name, and the monthly socials are an event not to be missed. In the South, children can often be seen safely playing in the park or on sidewalks and in the weekends, families often take to the beach to enjoy the warm waters surrounding the city.

What You'll Find Here

Ascension Center of Equitation
Hyde Park
Point Defiance Zoo and Aquarium
The Outskirts
The University of Sacrosanct

Ascension Center of Equitation

The Ascension Center of Equitation is the epicenter of the Dark Hunter Cavalry Unit. Originally a high-class facility for show-jumping, Ascension now caters entirely to the Cavalry Unit. Here the Dark Hunters learn how to ride and fight upon the backs of horses - many of which are Were's themselves.
Home of: The Cavalry

Hyde Park

Hyde Place takes up a large part of the Southern side of the city and includes a large playground, several fountains, and a small garden. The park is open from five in the morning till midnight though many shady characters may visit this place while it's technically "closed". The park has also been a venue for several concerts and hosts many holiday-related events. Under a full moon, witches are often seen here for the sacred ground beneath the iconic Weeping Beech.

Point Defiance Zoo and Aquarium

The Point Defiance Zoo & Aquarium (PDZA) is an award-winning combined zoo and aquarium located within the Southern Part of Sacrosanct. Situated on 92 acres in Sacrosanct's Hyde Park, the zoo and aquarium are home to over 9,000 specimens representing 367 animal species. Point Defiance is also widely known for its conversation efforts regarding the breed and release program of Red Wolves.

The Outskirts

Beyond the city limits and over the bridge lies the deep, dark, and almost impenetrable forest. Often seen as a way to guard this magical city against the world that surrounds it, many are entirely ignorant of the evil that may creep between those tree trunks. Many were-creatures use the forest for the transformations of their newest members and some even take to hunting here. It isn't particularly peculiar for people to go missing within this forest but once you get through, the rest of the world awaits.

The University of Sacrosanct

The University of Sacrosanct offers some of the top programs in the nation with its outstanding campus and specialized faculty. The University places a high focus both upon educating future generations but also on research to help revolutionize the world. The University welcomes the talent of students across the world to enroll and unlock their unlimited potential. With applications from across the nation, classes fill up quickly.

PhD in Plant Biology Abigail Hughes

Falling Into My Condition

Posted on July 17, 2014 by Aaron Helmsley

Rough hands continuously worked at the leather, figuring out how to best quietly pull it from her muzzle. Her words moved back into his mind, shaking his head his blonde hairs bounced side to side. "I know." The words left his lips at a mumble as his fingertips worked around the leather, touching her smooth fur as they tried freeing her. The muzzle loosened and started to fall apart as her head jerked back and shook. He looked down at her as he drew his hands over her half limp body. Her size started to decrease, for that he was glad, she'd be much easier to carry now that she weighed considerably less and wasn't quite as bulky. As she leaned into him, he knew she'd given up at least part of her protest to leave her.

Her voice carried through his mind once more, this time with a warning. His blue eyes shoot up, the wolf wrapped around his broad shoulders as he looked out towards the direction of the men hunting her. Their voices growing in volume as they quickly approached. He stood up, turning quickly as his hands wrapped around the slender wolfs frame and making sure he had a good hold on her. The voice of one of the men shot through his ears, they'd been seen. Using his increased speed he took off as fast as he safely could through the woods, dodging trees and trying to rely on his power to sense the future to avoid any more trouble.

Her warning caused him great concern. Witches and Warlocks were those weird creatures that either sat one of two ways about their supernatural 'cousins'. He learned it was best to never trust one and never piss one off. At least with Vampires and Weres they shared an almost similar curse and they could bond together over an always common enemy. The blonde had seen Witches and Warlocks teaming up at times with Dark Hunters, facing off against his and the wolfs kind. To him it had always seemed that there was no honor among the magically gifted; of course one could say that too about Vampires and Weres, however they always held a higher standing to him.

His thick soled boot slipped as he avoided running right into a hidden bear trap. His frame shifted downwards as his arms tightened around the wolf, sliding a few feet before he was able to pop himself back up and continue his sprint. Fifty yards further he had to duck his tall figure underneath a lower hanging tree branch, he slipped under it as much as he could, trying to give more clearance to his head and the wolf. Slowing his pace, he shifted the wolf around on his back, making sure after that she was still secured firmly draped across his shoulders. Her long coat held down by his forearms as he continued to carry her locked under his arms that were held above his head. "Sorry about that." Quietly he muttered to her as his pace slowed down into a brisk walk. As they approached the end of the wooded area he felt confident he'd left most of the huntsmen off their trail; it was only the Warlock she'd mentioned he still seemed a bit concerned with.

The snap of a branch crept up on his ears, a little way back behind them. He spun around, gripping the wolf as his body moved with ease. Blues darted off in the distance as he tried to quickly investigate the noise. Could that Warlock really have kept up behind him all this time? Maybe their group had more out here, waiting closer to town to catch anyone running back in. What if it was a Dark Hunter hiding and stalking out here? It could quite possibly also be something or someone non-threatening; but those chances seemed low. He stood again on the horns of a dilemma; fight or flight.

Aaron Helmsley
I sold my soul... just so I could feel paid.
I broke my heart... so I couldn't feel pain.
I lost my faith... 'cause I can't justify the weight.
I've got no hope... that's only for losers and fakes.
