
The southern part of the city has a chic family-oriented sort of charm to it. Here, small locally owned shops run rampant, neighbors often know each other by name, and the monthly socials are an event not to be missed. In the South, children can often be seen safely playing in the park or on sidewalks and in the weekends, families often take to the beach to enjoy the warm waters surrounding the city.

What You'll Find Here

Ascension Center of Equitation
Hyde Park
Point Defiance Zoo and Aquarium
The Outskirts
The University of Sacrosanct

Ascension Center of Equitation

The Ascension Center of Equitation is the epicenter of the Dark Hunter Cavalry Unit. Originally a high-class facility for show-jumping, Ascension now caters entirely to the Cavalry Unit. Here the Dark Hunters learn how to ride and fight upon the backs of horses - many of which are Were's themselves.
Home of: The Cavalry

Hyde Park

Hyde Place takes up a large part of the Southern side of the city and includes a large playground, several fountains, and a small garden. The park is open from five in the morning till midnight though many shady characters may visit this place while it's technically "closed". The park has also been a venue for several concerts and hosts many holiday-related events. Under a full moon, witches are often seen here for the sacred ground beneath the iconic Weeping Beech.

Point Defiance Zoo and Aquarium

The Point Defiance Zoo & Aquarium (PDZA) is an award-winning combined zoo and aquarium located within the Southern Part of Sacrosanct. Situated on 92 acres in Sacrosanct's Hyde Park, the zoo and aquarium are home to over 9,000 specimens representing 367 animal species. Point Defiance is also widely known for its conversation efforts regarding the breed and release program of Red Wolves.

The Outskirts

Beyond the city limits and over the bridge lies the deep, dark, and almost impenetrable forest. Often seen as a way to guard this magical city against the world that surrounds it, many are entirely ignorant of the evil that may creep between those tree trunks. Many were-creatures use the forest for the transformations of their newest members and some even take to hunting here. It isn't particularly peculiar for people to go missing within this forest but once you get through, the rest of the world awaits.

The University of Sacrosanct

The University of Sacrosanct offers some of the top programs in the nation with its outstanding campus and specialized faculty. The University places a high focus both upon educating future generations but also on research to help revolutionize the world. The University welcomes the talent of students across the world to enroll and unlock their unlimited potential. With applications from across the nation, classes fill up quickly.

PhD in Plant Biology Abigail Hughes

when i used to rule the world

Posted on November 14, 2016 by ALEXANDER MACEDONIA

i used to rule the world

seas would rise when i gave the word

There was a certain bond that existed between a horse and it's rider, one that was even more resolute and steadfast between a hunter and their were. It was a comradeship that exceeded beyond simple beast and trainer. In that relationship there was a room for understanding, for protection, for growth, for care - for emotions. A hunter committed themselves entirely to that connection beyond that simple promise of life. The horse, in turn, fulfilled much the same obligation. It was silly, perhaps, to so consider how Frost might feel at the knowledge that Alexander had taken another under his wing and yet, this was a taboo the Macedonian King would not commit - not to the steed whose icy exterior he had ever so delicately chipped away at. They had been through hell and back together and though the pair hardly held the kinship Alexander desired, it was enough of a link that he was not willing to so risk the destruction of.

Still, he had made a promise to Calliel to so tutor her and, likewise, he was entirely certain she would benefit from that very connection so meticulously crafted in trust between hunter and were. It was for that reason alone that he so gifted onto her his perhaps most precious of things - Anastasia herself. Alexander was well aware of the woman's stoic appearance, one that mirrored his own and yet, she was youthful enough that he was entirely certain she too could benefit from having someone in her life to so personify all the benevolent traits humanity had to offer - attributes he was certain that Calliel embodied. In this, he had little doubts, even if the ebony mare herself hardly seemed as willing in the present moment to so take that next step. The ancient King remained entirely still as he watched the young mare, her head shaking side to side in clear discontent of this idea of the bridle he'd held out to her and yet, Alexander regarded her with little more than eternal patience. He let her have that moment to so disagree with what he asked of her, just as he too allowed her that moment to so regain some level of courage or faith within him. Alexander could hardly deny that small twitch of a simper that crossed his lips as she returned to his side, placing her nose exactly where he had requested of her and with a deft but, none the less, gentle touch, the man made quick work of those straps to ensure they were firm, did not rub against her, and yet, were not too tight to be uncomfortable.

In those tender moments where his fingers brushed against the flesh of her nose, the man was all too aware of the thoughts that ran rampant through her head. Those thoughts of aggravation were far too pronounced for him to simply ignore. He shook his head ever so slightly, his voice soft as his hand gingerly patted the girl's nose. "I told you she was going to use this to lead you, you're a smart girl, Calliel, you cannot tell me you did not make the connection of my intent." Alexander commented gruffly before releasing the young woman from his grasp, pushing the mare gingerly away from him in an unspoken command to continue on their first lap around the ring. He wanted to see the pair together. He wanted to see his suspicions confirmed. Hell, he wanted to see that potential he saw within them both blossom to life into what he was assured could be. "Put her through her paces, Ana. Gently though, do not forget she is unlike the other horses you've ridden before...." His voice trailed off, the man muttering more to himself then the pair of women as he continued in a far softer tone, "....weres are something else entirely..."

Alexander Macedonia

Now in the morning I sleep alone
Sweep the streets I used to own
