
The southern part of the city has a chic family-oriented sort of charm to it. Here, small locally owned shops run rampant, neighbors often know each other by name, and the monthly socials are an event not to be missed. In the South, children can often be seen safely playing in the park or on sidewalks and in the weekends, families often take to the beach to enjoy the warm waters surrounding the city.

What You'll Find Here

Ascension Center of Equitation
Hyde Park
Point Defiance Zoo and Aquarium
The Outskirts
The University of Sacrosanct

Ascension Center of Equitation

The Ascension Center of Equitation is the epicenter of the Dark Hunter Cavalry Unit. Originally a high-class facility for show-jumping, Ascension now caters entirely to the Cavalry Unit. Here the Dark Hunters learn how to ride and fight upon the backs of horses - many of which are Were's themselves.
Home of: The Cavalry

Hyde Park

Hyde Place takes up a large part of the Southern side of the city and includes a large playground, several fountains, and a small garden. The park is open from five in the morning till midnight though many shady characters may visit this place while it's technically "closed". The park has also been a venue for several concerts and hosts many holiday-related events. Under a full moon, witches are often seen here for the sacred ground beneath the iconic Weeping Beech.

Point Defiance Zoo and Aquarium

The Point Defiance Zoo & Aquarium (PDZA) is an award-winning combined zoo and aquarium located within the Southern Part of Sacrosanct. Situated on 92 acres in Sacrosanct's Hyde Park, the zoo and aquarium are home to over 9,000 specimens representing 367 animal species. Point Defiance is also widely known for its conversation efforts regarding the breed and release program of Red Wolves.

The Outskirts

Beyond the city limits and over the bridge lies the deep, dark, and almost impenetrable forest. Often seen as a way to guard this magical city against the world that surrounds it, many are entirely ignorant of the evil that may creep between those tree trunks. Many were-creatures use the forest for the transformations of their newest members and some even take to hunting here. It isn't particularly peculiar for people to go missing within this forest but once you get through, the rest of the world awaits.

The University of Sacrosanct

The University of Sacrosanct offers some of the top programs in the nation with its outstanding campus and specialized faculty. The University places a high focus both upon educating future generations but also on research to help revolutionize the world. The University welcomes the talent of students across the world to enroll and unlock their unlimited potential. With applications from across the nation, classes fill up quickly.

PhD in Plant Biology Abigail Hughes

I Want to Go There

Posted on August 14, 2015 by Calliel Alosi

This whole entire event was not my fault. I was minding my own business. I was enjoying my first day of freedom! I spent the entire day in solitude immersing myself with nature and a very good book. I even made sure to climb down the tree and head home at a fairly decent hour. I didn't want my premature ability of freedom to be snatched away all because of one silly little error. I needed my Uncle to at least trust me again...or at least just let me be for a while. I mean I don't mind him having concern for me. It actually feels kind of nice, knowing there is someone out there that cares for me again, I've almost forgotten how that felt. My humble minders were hardly concerned with me at all. If I had a broken leg I am quite certain they would tell the Doctor to end my life right then and there, because I couldn't survive. Then once I was dead they would get my parents inheritance. So, like I said, I am happy that he is concerned with me and where I go and what I do, but I wish he wasn't so much like a Mother Hen. I mean he has got to take a chill pill.

I am not quite sure how I got myself in this mess I am currently in. I mean one minute I am walking down a winding pathway through the peaceful park at dusk and then all of a sudden two damn horses showed up to fight each other. In.The.Middle.Of.A.Fucking.Park.! I am pretty damn sure my Uncle would have never believed such a thing. Each stallions' roar was deafening, and their hooves cut through the air like scythes, and I am pretty damn sure either one of them is capable of killing me right on the spot with those dinner-plate sized hooves. It is not easy to get out of their scuffle. I mean they are both quite larger than me and even if I try to get out I am somehow stuck between them. I am not surprised at all that I got struck and fell to the ground. I managed to crawl away, pausing when one of their back legs was in my face and moving underneath them as I try to crawl away. I can feel one of the hooves crush my side and I let out a sharp cry as I continue to keep myself moving, biting my lip. I feel another hoof crush my leg and I cannot help, but go still for a moment as I feel tears begin to swell. Using my arms I bear crawl my way through, wincing each time I move my injured left leg. I can hear their hooves in the distance and just when I think I am in the clear I feel something sharp take a bite out from my shoulder and I let out a sharp yelp.

In so much pain and with broken leg and ribs it is no wonder I have to go still and place my head into the dirt. I can feel the scrapes of my hands when I was trying to crawl along the pavement of the pathway. The sun was down and the glow of the lamplights seemed to brighten my bright blonde locks. I close my eyes as I inhale and exhale feeling the pain from the broken ribs and I let out a softer cry as I try to control my breathing. I suddenly feel a sharp hiss and a strong hold of someone's hands going to my shoulder. I move obediently in the direction they want me to go. My mind in a daze and I am unconcerned that someone is pulling my ripped sleeve back. I hear the familiar voice of Frost but he doesn't seem too pleased. Shouldn't I be the pissed off one? I let him move me and I let out a soft cry when he helps me up, one of my hands goes to his shoulder while the other grips is side, desperate to cling to him as I lean into him, standing in my right leg as my left leg barely lifts from the ground...the leg clearly broken. Softly I mutter as I rest my forehead against his shoulder.

"I can't stand for long, my leg, and ribs...shoulder too."

At this point I clutch my right side my face turning into a pained frown. I am quite certain there is no way he is going to change into a horse and allow me to ride him to a hospital or all the way home. I am quite certain if he turned around the block of my Uncle's place, I am quite sure he will be shot to death by my Uncle, because I am sure he will blame him for everything. I really don't know whose hoof got me or why I feel a stinging sensation at the back of my shoulder but I don't think I can really blame Frost for all of this. It wasn't like he meant to get me hurt in the first place right? My bright blue eyes shift upwards to him and I can see his one violet eye peering down at me. Shaking my head I respond softly as my eyes close for a moment as I feel the pain only deepen.

"No, he just said to stay away, especially from you. I was just walking...then you two showed up out of nowhere! What the hell was that all about?"

Calliel Alosi

Now I'm Unbreakable, It's Unmistakable
