
The western part of the city is often home to the poorer residents. Here there is a grunginess that permeates the town from the graffiti on the once cleaned brick buildings to the broken and unmaintained architecture. Crime runs high within the western half of town, making it the home of supernatural gangs of illicit activities. Such activities are rarely reported, however, and most residents are distrustful of individual's of authorities, and often let the powerful supernatural beings sort things out amongst themselves. Be careful wandering the Western streets after the sun falls.

What You'll Find Here

Black Market
Cull & Pistol
Noah's Ark

Black Market

Just like any city - Sacrosanct is not without it's deep, dark underbelly. Hidden in the graffiti-ridden streets of the West, behind closed warehouse doors, lies the Black Market. Forever moving, it's nearly impossible to find without knowing someone who knows someone. Anything you desire can be brought for a hefty price within the Black Market - be it drugs, weapons, or lives.

What You'll Find Here

Edge of the Circle

Cull & Pistol

Hidden within the dark alleyways of the Western Ward, Cull & Pistol is a dim, often smoky bar. With a small variety of bottled and craft beers, Cull & Pistol is a quaint little neighborhood joint. With its no-frills moto, the dingy bar offers little more than liquor, music from an old jukebox, and a few frequently occupied pool tables.

Bartender Raylin Chike

Noah's Ark

Resting upon the harbor, Noah's Ark (known simply as The Ark) is a sleek superyacht known both for its fight rings and recent...renovations, of sorts. Accessible from an entrance hidden in the shadows, The Ark is a veritable Were-playground that specializes in fighting tournaments for all creatures great and small. With both singles and doubles tournaments to compete in, the title of Ark Champion is hotly contested amongst the Were population. If anything illegal is going on in the city it's sure to be happening within the back rooms or behind the ring-side bar. Note: This is a Were only establishment. All other species will be swiftly escorted out.
Home of: Nightshade

Owner Aiden Tetradore

Co-owner Tobias Cain
Bar Manager Mira Ramos
Bartender Henry Tudor
Waitress Carolina Bedford


Within the turbulent industrial district lies this club. The warehouse doesn't look like much on the outside but it provides a memorable experience from the state of the art lighting, offbeat Victorian-inspired artwork, comfortable black leather lounges, and the infamous 'black light' room. There is a wide variety of alcohol that lines the shelves of both of the magical and ordinary variety. It is a common stomping ground for the supernatural who want to let loose and dance the night away to the music that floods the establishment. Humans are most welcome if they dare.

Owner Risque Voth

Manager Darcy Blackjack
Cats Aiden Tetradore
Cats Harlequin Westward

you can take off your skin in the cannibal glow

Posted on August 23, 2015 by AIDEN TETRADORE
It wasn't often that anyone stepped into the Ark that wasn't of their species, and even rarer still that it was with the want to do business under Tetradore's watchful eye. She was altogether out of place - a witch amongst the animals and yet, the man found himself deridingly more curious of her intentions with every word she spoke. His eyebrows furrowed ever so slightly as his vibrant emerald eyes shifted to inspect the colored liquid in the phylactery held ever so gingerly within his fingertips. "You want to sell these...with the intent of making the fights more interesting?" Tetradore intoned after her, a hint of skepticism within his voice. "And how would these enhance my games?" He inquired, gesturing ever so slightly at the bag at his feet. The fights brought in their own decent sized crowd and though the games themselves were free, the 'house' as it was, made quite a good amount off the beer, dinner, and, most of all, the bets. Tetradore was always willing to consider options that might bring in more income to the cargo ship beyond his involvement within the black market. If she provided an offer tantalizing enough, it wasn't beyond him to agree. After all, Tetradore could be reasoned with, unlike his counterpart.

The sound of the feline's hacking immediately grabbed Tetradore's attention, a soft sigh leaving the man's lips and yet he made no real offer to help him. Instead, he was too busy mourning the loss of his cheesy broccoli as the spotted feline coughed up the piece of greenery, spitting it back out on his plate in a half chewed state. A soft disgruntled sounds of digest left Tetradore's nose, his gaze shifting back towards the cat. "That's what you get for trying to eat off my plate." He uttered with annoyance, his arms crossing over his chest as he leaned back within his chair. Food was one of the few aspects at which Tobias' demeanor utterly agitated him, one that had surely caused disagreements between them in the past. "I wanted those." He muttered under his breath and yet, no further action was taken in revenge despite the man's disgruntled demeanor. After all, it simply wouldn't do to not look entirely put together in the presence of company now would it?

Never the less, the man's striking emerald gaze shifted towards his companion, nodding ever so slightly at the mention of rent. Tetradore nodded ever so slightly, "The Ark takes twenty percent of your sales. I approve every type of potion you sell before you start selling them - to ensure the fights are kept fair. If you sell something here used in my fights without my explicit approval, our contract will be immediately terminated. The chocolate chip cookies are optional but if you bring one to Tobias every night at the beginning of the night it will keep him out of your hair. Do you have any questions?" He inquired, his voice held a certain sort of firm finality, as if he was hardly willing to negotiate on his terms. It was the kind of demeanor that came with his status Alpha - one that, unfortunately Sorcha had walked herself right into. He couldn't help but to wonder if the girl really knew what sort of world she was about to fall feet first within.
aiden tetradore
