
The southern part of the city has a chic family-oriented sort of charm to it. Here, small locally owned shops run rampant, neighbors often know each other by name, and the monthly socials are an event not to be missed. In the South, children can often be seen safely playing in the park or on sidewalks and in the weekends, families often take to the beach to enjoy the warm waters surrounding the city.

What You'll Find Here

Ascension Center of Equitation
Hyde Park
Point Defiance Zoo and Aquarium
The Outskirts
The University of Sacrosanct

Ascension Center of Equitation

The Ascension Center of Equitation is the epicenter of the Dark Hunter Cavalry Unit. Originally a high-class facility for show-jumping, Ascension now caters entirely to the Cavalry Unit. Here the Dark Hunters learn how to ride and fight upon the backs of horses - many of which are Were's themselves.
Home of: The Cavalry

Hyde Park

Hyde Place takes up a large part of the Southern side of the city and includes a large playground, several fountains, and a small garden. The park is open from five in the morning till midnight though many shady characters may visit this place while it's technically "closed". The park has also been a venue for several concerts and hosts many holiday-related events. Under a full moon, witches are often seen here for the sacred ground beneath the iconic Weeping Beech.

Point Defiance Zoo and Aquarium

The Point Defiance Zoo & Aquarium (PDZA) is an award-winning combined zoo and aquarium located within the Southern Part of Sacrosanct. Situated on 92 acres in Sacrosanct's Hyde Park, the zoo and aquarium are home to over 9,000 specimens representing 367 animal species. Point Defiance is also widely known for its conversation efforts regarding the breed and release program of Red Wolves.

The Outskirts

Beyond the city limits and over the bridge lies the deep, dark, and almost impenetrable forest. Often seen as a way to guard this magical city against the world that surrounds it, many are entirely ignorant of the evil that may creep between those tree trunks. Many were-creatures use the forest for the transformations of their newest members and some even take to hunting here. It isn't particularly peculiar for people to go missing within this forest but once you get through, the rest of the world awaits.

The University of Sacrosanct

The University of Sacrosanct offers some of the top programs in the nation with its outstanding campus and specialized faculty. The University places a high focus both upon educating future generations but also on research to help revolutionize the world. The University welcomes the talent of students across the world to enroll and unlock their unlimited potential. With applications from across the nation, classes fill up quickly.

PhD in Plant Biology Abigail Hughes

i wasn't aware asking you clean your plate was akin to abandonment

Posted on April 05, 2018 by ALEXANDER MACEDONIA

i used to rule the world

seas would rise when i gave the word

That noise that seeped from the windows and door frame of that home hardly deviated in the slightest at the sound of his fist against the door. In fact, he was almost inclined to believe that subtle knock had been ignored altogether by the occupants. It was, he was sure, an action he'd hardly put past Frost. For a moment, the Dark Hunter simply stood with shoulder leaning against the door frame, entirely content to provide the occupants some time to react, if they would. The sudden rustling of the doorknob drew his blue-green eyes towards the door and yet, it seemed whomever was at the door was struggling to open it. A singular eyebrow rose at he watched the knob slowly turn all the way, only for that door to be thrust open to the scowling face of the ivory haired Icelandic and a wholly enthusiastic young hispanic boy. Alexander's gaze slowly focused on the child that stared up at him with such glee, only to glance upward with the boy towards the clearly disgruntled face of his own mount. He was hardly surprised by that sudden sharp tone to Frost' voice as he ushered that child inside, after all, who wanted their toddler running into the arms of a Hunter? Though Alexander held no interest in the were-child, he knew quite a few within the city who would have gladly obliterated the babe.

He watched that bottom lip quiver as the poor boy turned to run back towards his mother, that door closed but seconds behind him, effectively cutting off the Macedonian King's view of the child. His gaze slowly turned away from that door, only for Dark Hunter to meet the violet hue of Frost's eyes. His own words were as deadpan as they so often were as the King informed the stallion exactly as to why he had so perturbed him on that Saturday afternoon. That silence in which he was regarded with hardly caused Alexander to falter in the slightest, rather, his attention remained entirely steadfast upon the were-steed as the man repeated that very word he had chosen with such care. His head bobbed ever so slightly in confirmation. He knew quite well the tremulous relationship that Frost held with that very cavalry unit that had been the epicenter of so much of his life. He knew of how they had once treated the weres, worse, he thought, than even mere animals. He hardly expected for Frost to simply agree without a fight. Alexander, however, had always quite enjoyed a sort of flair for the dramatics. That alone surely could be faulted for his intentions to reveal the truth of all he had done behind the steed's back in such a fashion. After all, he had made a promise to Frost, hadn't he?

He could quite near visibly see that subtle hint of that frown in the corner of Frost's lips, even if the man strove to present him with that frigid exterior. He watched as the man folded his arms across his chest, that very action alone spoke volumes of the words that would come next, and too the fashion in which Frost had so seeked to close himself off to the ancient King. That body language was as upon the man as his equine body was, even if Alexander suspected Frost hardly realized it. That equally as cool tone, however, prompted a small simper upon the Dark Hunter's features and yet, he could hardly deny that the were-stallion was correct on one thing. He certainly was a foolish old man to so desire to save those horses, much less to have Frost for himself. Alexander could hardly deny his own hint of amusement at the stallion's insistence that he refused to join the end of those ranks with some bumbling idiot upon his back and a General to see to his death. Frankly, he was rather certain his plans were far better than that. After all, Alexander certainly wasn't about to place Frost at the back of that marching line. No, he needed his stallion.

Those words Frost presented him held every bit of bite within them, even despite the placidity at which they were delivered. His head shook ever so slightly and yet, Alexander took his time in responding. Rather, the Dark Hunter moved to the railing that surrounded the porch, his hands lightly brushing against that surface. "I told you why I was here, to bring you back into the Cavalry Unit." He turned to face his companion and yet, his features almost softened at the sight of his stallion hidden behind those thick emotional walls. "I fear you have assumed incorrectly, o ágrios epivítoras mou. I am nowhere near done with you, not after all of the effort I've put into you." He had spent hours upon hours training the stallion to be what he anticipated of him. All that trust had taken measurable effort to build and now, Frost was more than capable of responding exactly as he required beneath the soft brushes of his hands and the gentle prodding of his feet. He had little desire to retrain a war horse when he already had one he was perfectly content with. "I was hoping you would join me at the front of that warband - though, the choice is yours. If you choose not to, I suppose I will have to merely retrain Darius in your stead." A small shrug crossed his shoulders and yet, he knew well how much Frost disliked Darius. It was a low blow, he knew it, and yet maybe the consideration of himself upon Darius back instead might be enough to prompt the stallion to agree to that proposition.

A soft exhale left the man's the lips as he eyed the man in front of him, altogether aware of what Frost required of him. He cleared his throat before the Dark Hunter continued, his baritone voice somehow gentler. "I made you a promise, Rikharður." Alexander started, favoring the man's true name in that far more important moment. "I might not have overturned that council just yet but...the cavalry unit is now beneath my command." He reached out, his thumb gingerly stroked the man's right cheek quite in the same fashion that Alexander might have done if the man wore that equestrian form. His thumb ran gingerly beneath that eye he knew was blind. "They will not touch you again, regardless of what you choose."

Alexander Macedonia

Now in the morning I sleep alone
Sweep the streets I used to own
