Sacrosanct contains four distinct neighborhoods, each with their own specific kind of houses and residents. Explore our districts, view lists of our citizens and enjoy our block parties!

What You'll Find Here

Anacosta Heights
Dupont Circle
Hawethorn Village
River Dale

Anacosta Heights

Situated above the daily life of the city, Anacosta Heights is a tucked away suburb featuring extravagant neo-gothic inspired mansions. The inhabitants of this neighborhood often show their overwhelming wealth with sports cars lining their long, circular driveways, large pools, and manicured gardens. The homeowners of Anacosta Heights treasure their privacy as seen by the high iron gates to the security personnel present at every entrance.

Dupont Circle

Dupont Circle is a small suburban neighborhood settled within the serene portion of the southern portion of town. These four-bedroom, single-family homes feature back yards, porches, garages, and far more breathing space then the Village offers. This neighborhood often is more family orientated and even has organized events for children and the neighborhood as a whole.

Hawethorn Village

Settled in the middle of downtown, Hawthorn Village consists of several victorian inspired row houses just off the main street. Due to it's convenience to just about everything, the village can be a tad expensive to live within. However, the residents of this neighborhood often have two to three-story townhouses, often with a one to two-car garage. Many of the houses feature bay windows and/or rooftop terraces with a small fenced-in 'yard'.

River Dale

River Dale primarily consists of apartments that, despite their age and industrial appearing interior, still hold to the Victorian history that permeates the town. These apartments are often the cheapest option and sport scuffed, older wooden floors, open floor plans, visible beams, and the occasional brick wall.

ice, ice baby

Posted on March 31, 2016 by Rixon Leifsson
 photo 1638b989-d1ad-4590-8c4d-4d16fc4716cb_zps770e0cc5.jpg

One snowy ear inclines back towards the mare beside him, head turned to Calliel now as she asks after the names once more, the girl perhaps more observant then he had truly given her credit for and yet this was pleasing all the same. A naturally observant nature would only help her, after all, the man aware perhaps that much of his own custom was...unusual to the girl, different, Frost hardly having been called upon to describe it before and perhaps it is for that reason the girl remains confused now.

Yes. I call her Sophia because we have known each other for many years, we grew up together, we share certain things.

He did not anticipate perhaps, that his subordinate may well try to immerse herself within such a culture, after all, he himself had fled much of it, those few traditions he continued merely the result of an upbringing immersed in them and little else and yet of Calliel there was no expectation to take up such a thing, even despite her status as 'horse'. For a few moments at least Frost is content to focus his attention upon Sophia and the foal beside her, leaving Calliel to speak with Vanish- the older stallion holding far more sense into how entirely close he was willing to stand to the girl, Riot too having lingered further back and yet the question in regards to Hunter's sees him shift once more, moving to stand beside Calliel now- allowing his flank to brush against her own. She had already proven to be...spirited, lashing out at Vanish would hardly endear her to the older stallion and for tonight at least Frost sees no argument to be had. The answer the girl gives, while seemingly puzzling to Vanish, earns a momentary snort of satisfaction from Frost, head nodded slightly in approval as Riot and Vanish moved off to wrestle and the sound of pounding hooves on snow echoed readily within the air. It had been longer then Frost truly cared to remember since he had either seen or engaged in such a thing, the man rarely in possession of the joy that Riot so seemed to summon with ready ease nor the willingness Vanish had to engage him. The prospect of merely running however was a far more ideal activity, the stallion moving to follow Sophia and Zero- pausing briefly beside Calliel now.

He allows himself to shift slightly, pressing his muzzle against her own in return, willing enough to offer her some level of comfort before turning his attention back to the others, remaining beside her all the same before gesturing towards the others already beginning to stir and shift about.

Think of it as a game of sorts, one horse runs, the others follow, the idea is to get to the lead. Running around the other horses takes effort, energy, you want to make them move without having to do that. You'll pick it up. Slow down around corners, speed up on the flat, lift your legs higher where the snow is deep and do not be afraid to use your strength against the others- they can take it, I assure you.

One heavy, feathered hoof moves forward now, waiting for Calliel to follow as they move towards the group of horses, Vanish, this time, the first start- wheeling suddenly away from the group at large to break into a gallop out onto the open, snowy field with Wraith and Sophia close behind, the young boy managing to keep pace beside his mother despite the near frantic effort with which his legs moved. Riot had been caught off guard, forced to swing right around before taking off as Frost simply propelled himself forward in a trot for several strides before increasing his pace over and over, allowing Calliel the chance to do the same. It had been months since he had afforded himself the chance to do such a thing, pace restricted still in an effort to keep beside Calliel until she was galloping smoothly enough on her own. Sophia, for her part, had already reached the front, her equine form far lighter then any of the others, far swifter across the snow, easily taking the lead from Vanish while Wraith suddenly propelled herself onto her forelegs alone, hind legs lifting up to send Riot plunging sideways and out of her way, knocking him back behind Frost and Calliel herself- the white stallion merely allowing himself a snort of amusement.

It is little more then a maelstrom of snow and wind and frantic sound and yet even Frost is not immune to the adrenaline of such a thing, it was rare to build up such speed, especially within the city and yet there was an enjoyment within it all the same- a true freedom of movement and motion. Frost extends himself further again, one ear turned back to Calliel, assured the girl would follow, his own form galloping up beside Vanish now, the grey stallions ears pressing backwards, teeth lunging towards Frost's side in an effort to push him back, connecting with little more then a flurry of white mane. The opportunity however has presented itself well, Frost hooves hitting the snow only harder, forcing Vanish to speed up in an effort to stay beside him before Frost leans suddenly sideways, slamming his shoulder into the other stallion and sending him stumbling, cutting his stride and his speed in a single motion, leaving only Wraith and Sophia ahead.

Riot had managed to recover enough to draw level with Calliel- the golden stallion attempting to pass her and push her back into second last, his speed increasing with every stride in an effort to glide right past the girl.

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