Sacrosanct contains four distinct neighborhoods, each with their own specific kind of houses and residents. Explore our districts, view lists of our citizens and enjoy our block parties!

What You'll Find Here

Anacosta Heights
Dupont Circle
Hawethorn Village
River Dale

Anacosta Heights

Situated above the daily life of the city, Anacosta Heights is a tucked away suburb featuring extravagant neo-gothic inspired mansions. The inhabitants of this neighborhood often show their overwhelming wealth with sports cars lining their long, circular driveways, large pools, and manicured gardens. The homeowners of Anacosta Heights treasure their privacy as seen by the high iron gates to the security personnel present at every entrance.

Dupont Circle

Dupont Circle is a small suburban neighborhood settled within the serene portion of the southern portion of town. These four-bedroom, single-family homes feature back yards, porches, garages, and far more breathing space then the Village offers. This neighborhood often is more family orientated and even has organized events for children and the neighborhood as a whole.

Hawethorn Village

Settled in the middle of downtown, Hawthorn Village consists of several victorian inspired row houses just off the main street. Due to it's convenience to just about everything, the village can be a tad expensive to live within. However, the residents of this neighborhood often have two to three-story townhouses, often with a one to two-car garage. Many of the houses feature bay windows and/or rooftop terraces with a small fenced-in 'yard'.

River Dale

River Dale primarily consists of apartments that, despite their age and industrial appearing interior, still hold to the Victorian history that permeates the town. These apartments are often the cheapest option and sport scuffed, older wooden floors, open floor plans, visible beams, and the occasional brick wall.

i know what you did in the dark

Posted on July 23, 2014 by Kohl
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My sexpertise? Well, I suppose I'm willing to accept that as a title, it's hardly the worst thing I've ever been called. Maybe she'd been afraid or worried that after what we'd done I'd lost interest entirely, after all the chase is as much a part of the game as the actual act itself and really, I suppose, some part of myself had almost believed I'd lose interest as well. Then again, I never have bothered to get to know someone before sleeping with them, what can I say? I'm good at what I do and what I do tends to be one nights stands with very little exchange of information beyond the bare basics. Every now and then, perhaps, I'm willing to make a....beneficial friend and yet aside from one rather hopeless attempt at a relationship at the age of seventeen I've managed to remain rather illusive ever since. Kat made me earn it I suppose, she made me work for every single taste of her and for a damn virgin she sure as hell knew how to play. Maybe it would have been easier if that one time was enough, hell, maybe I wouldn't spend every fucking night frustrated with her- and myself and yet at the same time I am entirely assured I want her just as much as I ever did. After all, there are so many more things I'd like to try with her, so many unique lessons I'm more then willing to share, lessons far more entertaining then her ridiculous obsessive need to attempt to teach me anything in regards to hunting. Why I even agreed to it I hardly know, I suppose, for whatever reason I'm not entirely thrilled with the idea of her walking about alone at night, ridiculous I suppose, since the most incapable one in a fight is surely myself and yet, what can I say? I'm more a lover then a fighter.

The barest hint of a smirk trailed with lazy ease along my lips as my hand simply continued to rest atop her thigh, fingers moving as if the action as entirely absentminded, tracing that lazy pattern atop the warmth of her skin, as soft and smooth as I remembered it, the blue gold of my gaze drawn to the weapons she seemed determined to have me look at. She isn't the only one whom can play this dangerous little game of tease. I never really noticed I suppose, just how much of her desire I could feel, my new found....power I suppose you'd call it, seeming to make it rather ridiculously easy for me to manipulate such things, to feel when those around me desired something in a more...sexual fashion, making them desire myself another rather easy thing to accomplish and yet really- I could do that without any real power. Honestly I felt a little cheated, however was responsible for giving out these things could have given me something a little more manly. I suppose there are rather a few men whom might like the ability to sense and manipulate desire and yet really- I could damn well do that before I became a...whatever it is Kat seems to think I am. After all, I haven't worked out entirely how to control it yet and I have no desire to have another incident like the gay bar. As much as I enjoy attention- to much male attraction is a little more then even I am willing to take. She can pretend all she likes that she doesn't enjoy my touch- yet her body gives away far more then I am sure even she is aware, my lips lifted into a momentary smile at such knowledge before letting it slide and returning my hand to myself.

I chuckled softly at the words spoken through clenched teeth, one eye merely lifting in amusement before I returned with the take out menu, tossing it into her lap before collapsing readily beside her once more. What's wrong with a night inside? What's wrong with dinner I don't have to cook and burn as is my usual style and merely watching television. I know rather a number of things we could do to past the time and I- oh. I think I managed a genuine look of surprise as Kat sought fit to light the menu on fire, the blue gold of my gaze widening as she stamped it out merely a moment later, fixing me with her own smirk of satisfaction. Well- that's new.

"You know, that was your menu- and I'm fairly sure they have a fried section, if that was what you were going for."

Really I saw no reason to actually burn the menu, it's her menu after all, then again Kat always did like proving a point, the triumph within her gaze seeming to indicate just that as I snorted softly, content to lean back into the couch once more regardless. At least she had the sense not to let her carpet catch fire, then again, ash will stain, she really should consider wiping that up. Alright, maybe I'm a little obsessive about cleanliness, there is nothing wrong with that I am entirely sure, most woman only dream about a man willing to do his own laundry. Conversation moved momentarily now towards her TV- or lack there over, searching the room for any sort of suitable television location, although at this point I may have been willing to accept just finding a remote, her words earning her little more then another raised eye, some semblance of disbelief moving to trace my features before I hurried to cover it. Possessions never seemed to be a topic Kat desired to talk about it and while I was convinced she could have at least a little more, I was rather determined to pick my battles- this not being one of them. Honestly she almost looked amused. Did people really live like this? What did she do without a television? Hell, she didn't even have a book to read. Her comment however, earned her little more then smirk, arms folding lazily back behind my head.

"I know rather a lot of things we can do outside with a sturdy enough tree."

I had no actual belief she was going to take me up on the offer, chuckling softly once more before she moved to stand, grabbing rather a number of...heaven knows what from the table, bringing up the rather unfortunate iPad incident once more as I merely shrugged.

"It worked rather well though- didn't it?"

Alright, so maybe an iPad hadn't been my best choice of weapon, but I never had liked the damn thing anyway. Any further thoughts on the matter however were obliterated by her fingers tracing across my shoulder and neck, that same craving I've had from her since the day I laid eyes on her seeming to infect every part of myself like I was sixteen years old again, the blue gold of my gaze entirely focused on watching her walk towards the door, rather enjoying the view her tight ants offered before I moved to grab something- as instructed, the barest hint of a grin lingering once more as I snatched my car keys from the table. She didn't say it had to be a weapon now did she? I also have no intention of walking to whatever sad little part of ton she plans to take me.

"Get in."

I swung easily into the driver's side, settling back in the heated leather seats of the Maserati, waiting for her to climb in beside me before revving the car into life. Maybe she has no desire to flaunt her wealth- yet I always was a little more liberal, her close proximity not entirely unwelcome either as the engine purred into life, the Ray Bans at my shirt easily flicked back on and into place, hiding the blue gold of my gaze once more.

"If we're going hunting, we might as well look like successful hunters. Now, what nature-infested part of town am I driving us to, hmm?"

k o h l
so you want to play with magic?
