Sacrosanct contains four distinct neighborhoods, each with their own specific kind of houses and residents. Explore our districts, view lists of our citizens and enjoy our block parties!

What You'll Find Here

Anacosta Heights
Dupont Circle
Hawethorn Village
River Dale

Anacosta Heights

Situated above the daily life of the city, Anacosta Heights is a tucked away suburb featuring extravagant neo-gothic inspired mansions. The inhabitants of this neighborhood often show their overwhelming wealth with sports cars lining their long, circular driveways, large pools, and manicured gardens. The homeowners of Anacosta Heights treasure their privacy as seen by the high iron gates to the security personnel present at every entrance.

Dupont Circle

Dupont Circle is a small suburban neighborhood settled within the serene portion of the southern portion of town. These four-bedroom, single-family homes feature back yards, porches, garages, and far more breathing space then the Village offers. This neighborhood often is more family orientated and even has organized events for children and the neighborhood as a whole.

Hawethorn Village

Settled in the middle of downtown, Hawthorn Village consists of several victorian inspired row houses just off the main street. Due to it's convenience to just about everything, the village can be a tad expensive to live within. However, the residents of this neighborhood often have two to three-story townhouses, often with a one to two-car garage. Many of the houses feature bay windows and/or rooftop terraces with a small fenced-in 'yard'.

River Dale

River Dale primarily consists of apartments that, despite their age and industrial appearing interior, still hold to the Victorian history that permeates the town. These apartments are often the cheapest option and sport scuffed, older wooden floors, open floor plans, visible beams, and the occasional brick wall.

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Posted on May 05, 2017 by Dorian Aragona

Why on earth Sebastian felt any need at all to be within waters that were so deliberately filled with the sorts of sea creatures Dorian was assured had no business being there he hardly knew. This ides of swimming with certain creatures, after all, was one constructed of a far more modern mind then his own. The Fae King, in turn, had so come from a world in which the sea was largely avoided if only for how few people could truly swim. Their fear of the water so increasing their fear of most sea creatures outside of fish. After all, what they did not know and understand was surely fearsome in some sense. Dorian had, perhaps, progressed well beyond that small minded mentality if even just through his own countless hours spent reading and yet the sea itself remained a veritable mystery in so many ways. The man possessing a rather healthy respect for those oceanic waters and the creatures within it. The very idea of Sebastian swimming about in the dark of the night when stingray and sharks surely fed was terrifying. Perhaps, by nature of his species, those creatures held little interest in him and yet Dorian was assured such was a risk that was hardly needed in any sense. The vampire almost seeming to have enjoyed the experience all the same! His comment upon the nature of those rays merely seeing Dorian frown slightly in contemplation once more, his gaze glancing down to the creatures below as they turned and danced as if they were flying through that water.

"Well, if you should feel the need to do it again it might be better if you do not inform me of your intentions. I am incapable of not worrying about them, whether stepped on or otherwise."

That warm simper tugged at his lips all the same as he regarded his lover then. After all, if Sebastian so enjoyed such an activity then Dorian most surely trusted him enough to undertake it safely and yet, the Monarch was assured he would rather not know of it all the same- if only to prevent his own anxiety. The sudden appearance of those dolphins and too, his name upon his lovers lips readily saw those rays forgotten as his attention shifted to a far what he believed to be a far superior animal and one he truly held little concern for. Frankly, he would rather Sebastian swum with dolphins. They seemed such joyful creatures! Dorian so unable to prevent that grin that danced upon his features at this- his very first sight of a real dolphin. His delight surely clear for all to see before he offered those soft words to his Consort, content to recall those tales of old that sailors had once brought back to the palace. It had once been law, after all, to report all such trips to the King himself along with any anomalies that had occurred during those voyages that oftentimes went on for months if not years. Sailors, Dorian had learned, often returned with the most engaging of stories that had increased both his fear and awe of the ocean all at once. Mermaids by far one of the most enchanting. His gaze turned briefly to his lovers own, curious as to whether or not the man knew of mermaids too, that simper tugging softly as his features at the admittance that he did. Dorian's head nodding softly.

"I fear I do not know nearly enough about dolphins. Perhaps this shall be my new task."

How much he delighted in so finding a new topic of interest! The Fae moving to settle back within his seat once more as those finned creatures leapt away far before he was ready for them too and yet with that glass floor still beneath him- Dorian so quickly found himself absorbed once more. The Monarch hardly unafraid to share his knowledge of those sea creatures with the other passengers- several of which seemed readily content to engage the man before that boat at last returned to the dock. His fingers easily wove into Sebastian's own, Dorian pausing but once to look back upon that glass floor, thanking the vampire for bringing him to see it. This but another marvel of technology he looked forward to telling his own Court off when he returned to see them. Those silver irises glancing back to meet the utterly striking blue of Sebastian's own at the vampire's utterance of thanks for the day within the sun they had shared. Dorian chuckling softly then, his hand gently squeezing his companions own in that touch of affection.

"You are welcome, Mon Cher- but I am assured today was for the both of us."

That small smile tugged softly at his lips once more, Dorian having so desired to see that beach beneath the sun for some time and too- there was simply no other he should desire to see it with. Sebastian afforded that day in the sun while he was given his lover to walk the sands with in turn. It had been a perfect day. Just as he had desired it in every way. Dorian allowing Sebastian to lead him up those steps then and back onto the pier, his bare feet relishing the warmth still within those wooden boards so weathered from wind and salt. His attention turned back upon that beach at large, several families slowly beginning to attempt to gather their belongings and their offspring. Dorian's gaze frowning slightly at that touch of pink upon Sebastian's arm and just below the line of his shirt, the skin there having become a little more touched by the sun in those very early stages of a sun burn. His own fingers lifted, brushing briefly over that spot, drawing his lovers own attention to it with a small measure of amusement. Dorian half inclined to wonder if this might result in a truly curious tan in but one small spot on his arm. His head simply shaking at his boyfriends query as to anything else he might like to do today.

"No, I think I did all I wanted today and quite frankly I have sand where one should never have sand I am sure. I look very forward to a shower or a bath. Come, let us walk back along the sand and over to that poor fellow who has been diligently guarding my shoes all this time."

It was dreadfully unnecessary, Dorian was sure, to watch over his shoes quite that intently and yet he hardly saw any need to question the task the man had so assigned himself for the day. Dorian content to lead the way off that pier now and back across the beach, allowing his feet alone to feel that water and damp sand before progressing upward onto that softer, drier sand that seemed to stick to everything. Beaches, he had decided, were messy things. Especially when one had the misfortune of being wet. Just how they were going to get into the car without messing it up he hardly knew. Charles however, had perhaps considered just that. Sebastian's manservant wandering around from the driver's side to hand them each a towel. Dorian attempting to do his best to wipe that sand from his feet and that dampness from his shirt before sliding into the car, waiting for Sebastian to join him. His own affinity reached out but briefly then, that light of life, as it were, still blazing strongly about his companion- Dorian entirely content to leave it for the man to enjoy for the rest of the evening even though that would surely be spent indoors. Still, surely he might enjoy that warmth for a little longer? Any further thoughts upon that life were so interrupted by Charles as they pulled away from the kerb. The manservant content to inform Sebastian that Prince Phillip had announced his retirement while they had been upon the beach. That look of inquisitiveness touching his features at such an announcement. Dorian knowing little of the man other than his connection to Sebastian's Queen.

"Is there some sort of ceremony attached to this? I am unfamiliar with English custom."

Was not this man terribly aged? Dorian inclined to consider what little he knew of that Monarchy before Charles inquired as to how their day had been, Dorian wholly content to inform him of all they had done. That drive to that hotel that had, once, been the very scene of their very first night together hardly far. The sleek black town car pulling up outside The Witchery but a few minutes later, the Monarch thanking Charles before moving to step out once more- his hand reaching back to take Sebastian's own and guide him from the car in turn. The pair standing before that hotel now, Dorian so unable to prevent that almost impish grin that touched his features at the memories that existed within such a place! One hand gesturing forward now for Sebastian to lead the way as he had done near a year ago. Amusement touching his words now.

"I still can't quite believe I thought this to be your house. Do you know, after I left the next morning I spent over an hour trying to find out how to get home? Everything looked different in the daylight and I was afraid to cross roads back then. I thought the cars would eat me. I thought about you for days after that night...."

Dorian Aragona
