Sacrosanct contains four distinct neighborhoods, each with their own specific kind of houses and residents. Explore our districts, view lists of our citizens and enjoy our block parties!

What You'll Find Here

Anacosta Heights
Dupont Circle
Hawethorn Village
River Dale

Anacosta Heights

Situated above the daily life of the city, Anacosta Heights is a tucked away suburb featuring extravagant neo-gothic inspired mansions. The inhabitants of this neighborhood often show their overwhelming wealth with sports cars lining their long, circular driveways, large pools, and manicured gardens. The homeowners of Anacosta Heights treasure their privacy as seen by the high iron gates to the security personnel present at every entrance.

Dupont Circle

Dupont Circle is a small suburban neighborhood settled within the serene portion of the southern portion of town. These four-bedroom, single-family homes feature back yards, porches, garages, and far more breathing space then the Village offers. This neighborhood often is more family orientated and even has organized events for children and the neighborhood as a whole.

Hawethorn Village

Settled in the middle of downtown, Hawthorn Village consists of several victorian inspired row houses just off the main street. Due to it's convenience to just about everything, the village can be a tad expensive to live within. However, the residents of this neighborhood often have two to three-story townhouses, often with a one to two-car garage. Many of the houses feature bay windows and/or rooftop terraces with a small fenced-in 'yard'.

River Dale

River Dale primarily consists of apartments that, despite their age and industrial appearing interior, still hold to the Victorian history that permeates the town. These apartments are often the cheapest option and sport scuffed, older wooden floors, open floor plans, visible beams, and the occasional brick wall.

i want to bathe with you in the sea

Posted on September 28, 2017 by Dorian Aragona

every king had a story, of ancient glory,sweetly told

How curious it was that he had so failed to ever truly consider chocolate as a medium for art! The idea, he supposed, was a decidedly modern one. Those grand masters of old, his dear Leonardo included, surely would not have taken pleasure in the idea and yet the sight of those crafted crests so beautifully decorated had readily inspired that every present curiosity within the Fae. He hardly possessed the skill to combine those flavours in such a way as to extenuate the taste as well as the visual appeal. Yet, with practice, the Fae King was nearly assured he could at least learn to craft those shapes and figures- even if only out of milk chocolate. Sebastian's comment on the simple brilliance of them seeing that grin dance upon his own lips, the vampire seeming entirely surprised that the man might work on such pieces for them alone. It was entirely endearing, truly, the very....naivety perhaps, with which his lover so seemed to, so far, embrace their newfound fame. Dorian so having become near used to being the one given to be lacking that experience with the modern world and yet there was something almost innocent in the very way it was Sebastian, this time, whom seemed so surprised that another might take that time to seek to impress him.

The vampire so very unaware of that which Dorian himself had perhaps been near born to anticipate. Their simple status as royalty so assuring that near everywhere they went people would, undoubtedly, seek to go out of their way for them, to impress them, to earn their favour- no matter how unnecessary it surely was. Dorian himself, on occasion, given to feel near embarrassed at that attention some provided them with. Sebastian, it would seem, still near blissfully unaware of his very importance in the world and just what people would do for him. Realizations, Dorian knew, that would surely come in time. The Monarch allowed such thoughts for now to slip from his mind. The man instead inclined to admit that he had readily considered taking up that chocolate as an artistic medium. So provided Sebastian did not consume it all before he was given the chance. The vampires own grin and ready comment that such might be a fair challenge seeing that warm simper return to the Monarch's own lips before his gaze shifted to those blocks of chocolate the vampire had spied on the far side of the room. His own head nodding readily then at that suggestion.

"Yes, let's. I should like to try when we get home. Perhaps I might do it outside the first time for the sake of sparing our home that mess. I shall hang on to those myself though- I fear they shan't make it home at all if I let you carry them."

One eye rose easily then in that clear tease, Dorian stepping but briefly away from his finance to fetch those bars of chocolate he required before returning to the man's side to allow himself to be dragged further about that store in that wave of near boyish excitement. Sebastian continuing to add excitedly to that bag before Dorian so at last made his way over to that decidedly comfortable chaise lounge. The Monarch collapsing into it as those staff members stepped away to afford him that privacy, Dorian simply content to watch Sebastian then. That simple delight on his lovers features so having a habit of delighting him in turn. The vampire at last making his way onto that couch with that bag very near overflowing, the Monarch entirely content to indulge his lover in this as he held out that hand with the clear intent of trying whatever Sebastian might desire of him. After all, his lover had clearly put a great deal of thought into that very selection. That piece of 'English Toffee' he was handed was met with an almost curious look, Dorian placing it between his lips almost tentatively. That once near hard block becoming soft and rather surprisingly....sticky within a matter of mere moments. That shift in its consistency hardly anticipated.

"I quite like the taste, goodness but its chewy, isn't it?"

His tongue flicked against his teeth then, Dorian making a near comical effort to dislodge it from all the places it had become stuck, the man momentarily forgetting those staff who watched on in a clear amusement, several of them attempting to stifle those small giggles before politely looking away and returning to their own tasks. How on earth Sebastian managed to eat such a treat with his own fangs Dorian hardly knew! Did it not get terribly stuck? Thank heavens the vampire had only given him a small piece to begin with. Perhaps it would be better sucked on rather the bitten? Dorian almost determined to master its consumption before that young woman returned with that box of wrapped chocolates, Dorian thanking her as best he was able before so finally getting the better of that sticky treat.

"I think I am ready for some more now. I should like to try again."

The English and their food! His hand was held out politely once more for another piece of that small treat, his thoughts shifting but briefly to that box within his hand and those family crests it contained. Dorian given to consider those very designs for those very things he had worked on for several days within his own palace while they had visited. The Monarch as yet to broach that subject with his lover if only for the veritable desire to so introduce those changes to the vampire slowly even if the vast majority of them were, truly, rather small. His own gaze glanced upward then Dorian at last inquiring as to whether Sebastian might like to see what he had been working. His lovers ready assurance that he did perhaps further sparking that assurance within himself as he plucked that phone from his pocket to show the vampire those designs he had worked on and so drawn himself for that very insignia that would so come to represent them and their household within the eyes of Italy and the world at large.

That rather potent silence in the wake of that explanation was perhaps somewhat unanticipated, that nervousness momentarily gripping at the Monarch himself with some fear that perhaps Sebastian hated those designs entirely. Dorian assured he had copied that lion near perfectly and yet perhaps it was not quite as perfect as he believed? Lions were hardly a common creature within Italy. His chances to practice drawing that animal decidedly limited. Dorian so at last daring to glance upward toward Sebastian's own face- the vampire paused near mid-bite of that treat before slowly reaching up to remove it from his lips and return it to that bag. For Sebastian to put down chocolate that news must surely be terrible indeed. Did he truly hate it that much? Perhaps he should start it all over again. Such thoughts, fortunately, managed to cease in their progression at that near hesitant insistence those pictures were lovely. Sebastian still seeming decidedly.....distressed all the same as that hand lifted to run through his hair. That vampire at last asking whether or not he need update those crests that decorated his own family homes and that business he ran, that near unsteady beat of his heart felt rapidly against the Fae's own finger- Dorian lifting it then to trace almost reflexively with his free hand as if he might somehow ease that very nervousness with his own touch. Dorian himself taking several long moments to truly understand just exactly what it was that seemed to distress the vampire so very much if it was clearly not the design of that lion. Dorian features softening decidedly but a moment later, that silver gaze glancing upward to Sebastian own then.

"How long have you been worried about that, love?"

This, it seemed, was perhaps far more important to the Monarch then answering Sebastian's own question in that moment. It was a wonder, truly, how the British Empire had even been built when it was surely filled with those like his lover whom seemed so determined to keep those worries to themselves as if they somehow hoped ignoring them might prevent them from ever being brought to fruition. Yet- Dorian could so hardly blame his lover in turn, it was within the very nature of the man he adored and too- was it not within his own to some extent? Had he not fretted over showing Sebastian those very designs if only for fear of causing him some sort of distress? They were both, at times, perfect fools- of that he was assured. For now however, that near pressing question merely saw his own head shake.

"This new crest will merely be what the royal symbol becomes after our wedding. It will be the insignia which Italy and the world will come to recognise and our house. It does not replace what is uniquely yours. Your family homes, your businesses- they are yours, seperate from the crown. Those lions represent you and the family from which you came. I see no need to change them and I would not ask it of you. Just because we are getting married, love, does not mean we need make any changes to what already exists. I quite think it should remain your own personal insignia for those family homes and business achieved beneath it."

That smile tugged at his lips once more, Dorian pausing then if only assure himself Sebastian had so understood that lack of need to change. After all, that marriage was so surely a union between them and yet Sebastian's business and family homes would so always remain his own. After all, the Italian crown so surely did not operate Ellington Enterprises and never would, those lions so assured to continue to remain that personal symbol of Sebastian himself. That new crest simply the one that would come to represent them and those things they might choose to own as couple. Dorian shifting but slightly to lift out that coin that hung about his neck from beneath his shirt, holding it within the palm of his hand, that very seal by far one of his most treasured possessions- the King so never once having removed it since the day Sebastian had gifted it to him. That simper upon his lips once more.

"Besides, I am terribly fond of this, Bastian. I should not like it to be changed. I think our getting married should be about adding things to our lives, not taking them away. My own parents held personal insignias along with that offical, royal one that represented them both. I think we can surely manage the same."

dorian aragona
