Sacrosanct contains four distinct neighborhoods, each with their own specific kind of houses and residents. Explore our districts, view lists of our citizens and enjoy our block parties!

What You'll Find Here

Anacosta Heights
Dupont Circle
Hawethorn Village
River Dale

Anacosta Heights

Situated above the daily life of the city, Anacosta Heights is a tucked away suburb featuring extravagant neo-gothic inspired mansions. The inhabitants of this neighborhood often show their overwhelming wealth with sports cars lining their long, circular driveways, large pools, and manicured gardens. The homeowners of Anacosta Heights treasure their privacy as seen by the high iron gates to the security personnel present at every entrance.

Dupont Circle

Dupont Circle is a small suburban neighborhood settled within the serene portion of the southern portion of town. These four-bedroom, single-family homes feature back yards, porches, garages, and far more breathing space then the Village offers. This neighborhood often is more family orientated and even has organized events for children and the neighborhood as a whole.

Hawethorn Village

Settled in the middle of downtown, Hawthorn Village consists of several victorian inspired row houses just off the main street. Due to it's convenience to just about everything, the village can be a tad expensive to live within. However, the residents of this neighborhood often have two to three-story townhouses, often with a one to two-car garage. Many of the houses feature bay windows and/or rooftop terraces with a small fenced-in 'yard'.

River Dale

River Dale primarily consists of apartments that, despite their age and industrial appearing interior, still hold to the Victorian history that permeates the town. These apartments are often the cheapest option and sport scuffed, older wooden floors, open floor plans, visible beams, and the occasional brick wall.

Take Me Where I've Never Been

Posted on December 23, 2015 by Calliel Alosi

I must admit that even though I was a rebellious child my parents did teach me well on how to behave. I was taught by my Mother to hide my true thoughts on matters, especially before company I did not know very well or even trust completely, and I play the part of naivety. I think I play it fairly well you know. If I continue acting the part sometimes new opportunities rise, and if danger shows itself, then I react kindly in turn. Though here I do not think anything will go wrong if I continue to act in such an innocent manner. I might just get the information I need. Frost turned me and although he says it is an accident, and I believe him, I still want to know why he wants to keep me here. If it is just to teach me how to accept my new life, that is fine, but I am sure I could have stayed with my Great Uncle. Though if Frost has other matters for me, and I am to be a pawn, then I will get myself out of this mess. Mother and Father told me I could always amount to something important, something good for others, and Father told me I must never be used by others that will one day wish to harm me. So, I need to learn everything about Frost that I possibly can. These thoughts do not dance in my mind. What is on my mind however, is Riot asking just how I escaped, escaped from what I do not know but I am sure it will be answered. I have found Frost likes correcting people and instead of asking for further information, I turn my head and allow my bright blue eyes to meet the one violet eye peeking through Frost's bright white-blonde hair. I know he will answer and I cannot help but allow my pink lips to twitch slightly in amusement that I was indeed right as Frost answers just what needed to be corrected.

"Oh, well I guess I'm feeling something else then."

A soft ringing chuckle softly tumbles out as I pull some of my long golden-blond hair back over my ear, my bright cerulean eyes darting towards Riot in a playful manner. It may appear to both males that I was feeling attraction to Riot and that was farthest from the truth. While I couldn't feel a strong bond between us humming, like I would between Frost and Clarie, I could feel barely feel anything from him, a void almost. That void-like feeling was explained and I simply nodded to Frost to let him know I understood. I do find it interesting that Frost's half-brother would appear all of a sudden. I've never heard Frost speak about his family. I know I don't bother with it, because speaking about my parents is a bit painful and I can only assume that is the same way for him and I will not pry. There are some things that just shouldn't be brought up. I do find it interesting though that he claims challenging another is so important as if challenging another brings the very breath of life. The importance of having power over another is odd to me. I guess it is a horse thing that I'll have to get accustomed to. I do notice Riot moving closer and I cannot help but mirror, instincts alone telling me that I would like being near one like myself. I find it amusing that Riot assumes that I will understand stallions and there need to fight, I quietly nod politely, making note that I have got to find a few books about horses. It is when Riot claims he is prettier that I cannot help, but give the younger boy a wide grin, showing my pretty pearly whites. Chipper eyes carry a light of mischief in them, as I tilt my head down, my long hair cascading down my shoulders, as I speak so gently holding an impish tone and a simper to end my challenging question.

"You don't know what I find pretty Riot, and what I don't find pretty. What if I find Frosty more attractive, because he has more power than you? What would you do?"

Hey, I'm a woman. I may be part horse, BUT I am still a woman. I remember in school we had to take this sociology and psychology class, and let me tell you what, just because we're human doesn't mean we don't rely on our basic primal instincts. Women always go for the smarter male, the one that shows they can not only protect, but they can provide. I have seen Frost and he can provide and care for. I haven't seen him in his protective mode, but I am sure one day I'll see it. Hopefully I'm not some damsel in distress, man, wouldn't that be pathetic. I do give Riot a gracious smile before I turn my head back to Frost, wondering if he was always locked up this tight. Well, two can play that game. Silently I listen astutely to everything he says as he explains just why I know nothing about him, and yet that will not stop me. The moment he is done I keep my voice light as I gently dig a little deeper. I'm not one that trusts many, but if he is willing to open himself up, I might be able to reveal a little bit about myself too.

"Exactly what was it this cult decreed your life purpose and how did you get yourself blacklisted."

I'm not one that forgets. Mother taught me to listen and oh do I listen so very carefully when others talk. As Riot chirps in his desire to read I find it sad that he has no idea how to read. Books are wonderful, they allow me to forget everything in the world and focus on something new and very exciting. When I was trapped under the oppression from the Wastons, books were my gateway to a different world, a different life, a different though process. Though reading for me is difficult and although I enjoy it so much, I do not allow my problem to keep me from reading. Sheepishly my cheeks turn red, slightly embarrassed, as bright eyes dash towards Riot once more. I am not one that likes to reveal a weakness, but I graciously turn down Riot's offer for me to be his tutor.

"I might not be the best person to learn from Riot. I love to read, but I have dyslexia, I'd only slow you down."

I put my focus back upon Frost. What he says causes me to frown and so I respond kindly questioning him and Riot.

"At least you got yourself out Frost, but why can't you get out Riot?"

Calliel Alosi

Now I'm Unbreakable, It's Unmistakable
